Telchur Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Icebrother, Father Frost

Telchur is the Oeridian god of Winter, Cold, and the North Wind
The Ice Man, the Frostbite Lord, Walker of the Wastes, Master of the North Wind   Telchur, known as the Oeridian god of Winter, Cold, and the North Wind, stands as a stark figure in the pantheon, embodying the relentless and unforgiving nature of the winter season. This article delves into the lore, relationships, and the religious practices associated with this deity.


  • Depiction: Telchur is visualized as a gaunt man with dark eyes and a long beard made of icicles. This imagery captures his association with the bitterest of winters.
  • Personality: Often perceived as bitter and brooding, Telchur’s demeanor reflects the harshness of the season he governs.


  • Family Ties: A son of Procan, Telchur is part of the Velaeri, the Oeridian agricultural deities, alongside Velnius, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta.
  • Rivalries: His relationships are marked by estrangement from his family, particularly Wenta, and enmity towards Vatun, Dalt, and Llerg.

Politics and Motivation

  • Influence: Telchur’s dominion over winter positions him as a deity who both demands respect and incites fear, aiming to remind followers of the power and inevitability of the changing seasons.
  • Goals: Beyond the cyclical bringing of winter, Telchur seeks acknowledgment of winter’s necessary role in the natural order, promoting a respect for the season’s harshness and beauty.

Hierarchy and Worshipers

  • Clergy Titles: From neophytes to high priests, Telchur’s clerics adopt titles reflective of winter’s attributes, such as Frost Caller or Blizzard Warden.
  • Followers: His worshipers include those who respect or fear the power of winter, from farmers who seek to appease him for milder winters to adventurers who draw strength from the cold.


Telchur’s teachings emphasize the inevitability and necessity of winter. He preaches preparation and respect for the natural cycle, advocating for a balance between the hardship of winter and the bounty it eventually leads to.


  • Roles: Priests of Telchur serve as reminders of winter’s might, offering guidance on surviving the coldest months. They are known to conduct rituals that beseech Telchur for gentler winters or give thanks for the lessons learned from hardship.
  • Practices: Telchurian clergy are expected to lead by example, demonstrating resilience and preparedness for winter’s trials.


  • Architecture: Temples dedicated to Telchur are often constructed in remote, cold locations, designed to withstand harsh winter conditions. Many feature icy motifs and are positioned to honor the North Wind.
  • Sacred Sites: Certain natural formations, like frost-covered forests or ice caverns, are considered sacred to Telchur and are sites of pilgrimage.


  • Observances: Rituals to Telchur involve offerings to stave off severe winters, celebrations at the first frost, and ceremonies during the winter solstice to mark his dominion’s peak.
  • Holy Days: Needfest is a particularly sacred time for Telchur’s followers, marked by solemn reflection on winter’s past and preparations for the future.
  Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a leafless tree in a field of snow
Realm: Pandemonium
Domains: Air, Chaos, Storm, Strength
Speciality Cleric spells
  • Cleric of the 1st order: immune to normal cold, +1 saves vs. magical cold, direction sense
  • Cleric of the 4th order: gust of wind
  • Cleric of the 6th order: wall of ice
  • Cleric of the 8th order: ice storm
  • Cleric of the 10th order: cone of cold
  • Cleric of all orders: Unable to TurnUndead
Divine Classification
Lesser god
Chaotic neutral
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the heart of the storm, we find our strength."
"Through the longest night, we endure; in the coldest dawn, we prevail."
Telchur holy symbol by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs
Character Portrait image: Telchur by 3orcs


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