Procan Character in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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Procan, god of Seas, Sea Life, Salt, Sea Weather, and Navigation
The Storm Lord, Sailor of Sea and Sky

The Primal Sea God of the Oeridian Pantheon

Procan, an ancient deity whose dominion encompasses the vastness of the seas and the capriciousness of sea weather, stands as a titan among gods in the Oeridian pantheon. His worship is as wide as the oceans, touching the lives of those who ply their trades upon or beneath the waves and those who seek his favor for bountiful voyages and safe passage through storms.


Emerging from the primal forces that shaped the cosmos, Procan represents the untamed nature of the sea—its bounty and its peril. An elder god of considerable power, he traverses the planes with the ease of a storm crossing the ocean.
  • Origins: Procan's ancient roots tie him to the elemental chaos, making him a force of nature that predates civilization and perhaps even humanity itself.
  • Character: Embodied by the dual nature of the sea, Procan can be both nurturing and devastating, reflecting the unpredictable spirit of the waters he governs.


Procan's visage is that of the sea made manifest, with skin and hair mirroring the hues of ocean depths and eyes that sparkle with the promise of sunken riches.
  • Appearance: Portrayed as a muscular figure with blue-green skin, seaweed-adorned hair, and golden eyes, Procan carries a spear, a symbol of his dominion over all that lies beneath the waves.


The familial ties and alliances of Procan within the pantheon underscore his significance and the broad scope of his influence.
  • Progeny: Procan is the father of the Velaeri, a pantheon that includes Velnius, Telchur, Atroa, Sotillion, and Wenta.
  • Alliances: His rare interactions are mostly with gods of the sea like Osprem and Xerbo, and he played a role in the banishment of the malevolent sea deity Panzuriel.


Seasedge, Procan's domain, reflects the unbridled chaos and depth of the seas he governs.
  • Location: Situated in the plane of Limbo, Seasedge is as changeable and unfathomable as its master.


The teachings of Procan stress respect for the sea's power and the acceptance of its whims.
  • Nature's Duality: The sea is portrayed as both a giver of bounty and a harbinger of doom, reflecting Procan's dual nature.
  • Life's Cycle: Procan is revered as the origin and destination of all life, a cycle as eternal as the tides.


Procan's followers include those who live by and on the sea, as well as some who seek his favor for weather and navigation.
  • Demographics: Human fishermen, sailors, and some merfolk are among his most devout followers.


The clerics of Procan serve as spiritual guides to those who brave the seas, offering protection and blessings.
  • Lifestyle: Living close to the sea, they minister to sea-faring folk and perform rituals to appease the god's fickle nature.
  • Rituals: Services include offerings cast into the sea, communal meals, and prayers for safety and prosperity at sea.


Shrines and temples to Procan are found in port cities, serving as beacons for those seeking the god's favor.
  • Locations: Notable temples can be found in Atirr, Greyhawk, Hardby, Irongate, Sasserine, Ironport, and Saltmarsh.
  • Architecture: The temples are adorned with nautical motifs, with the cathedral in Ironport being particularly renowned for its intricate stone carvings.
The rituals of Procan's worship are as varied and deep as the oceans, marked by offerings and prayers for the sea's bounty and mercy.
  • Offerings: Gold, pearls, and other treasures are cast into the waters as a sign of devotion.
  • Communal Practices: Followers partake in meals of fish and bread, symbolizing the sustenance provided by the sea.


While Procan's primary concern is his dominion over the sea and its treasures, he stands opposed to those who threaten the balance and sanctity of his realm, particularly deities and entities that sow destruction and chaos in the waters he guards.   In worshiping Procan, followers embrace the unpredictable and often indifferent nature of the sea, finding strength in its vastness and mystery. The god's ancient, primal essence reminds all of the enduring power of nature and the respect it commands.
Oeridian Pantheon
Holy symbol: a gold and coral trident above or piercing a cresting wave
Realm: Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Luck, Storm, Travel, Water, Weather
Holy water: holy water is consecrated salt water
Cleric Speciality Spells
  • Cleric of the 1st order: Swimming proficiency; may use all water-based wizard spells at same level
  • Cleric of the 3rd order: water walk
  • Cleric of the 6th order: water breathing (W4)
  • Cleric of the 8th order: airy water (W5)
  • Cleric of the 14th order: Control Weather or Conjure Water Elemental
  • Divine Classification
    Intermediate god
    Chaotic neutral
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "Let the tides of Procan guide your journey; in his waters, all paths converge."
    "From the depths to the crest of the waves, Procan's bounty is as generous as his fury is fierce."
    Procan holy symbol by 3orcs

    Cover image: by 3orcs
    Character Portrait image: Procan by 3orcs


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