Licilian District (Lie-sill-ee-an)
The Licilian district is the heart of the government of the city and Navarre itself. The streets are choked with scribes racing important papers to different offices, the wealthy shaping the law with their coin, to the every-day citizen paying fines or standing before a court. Offices, clerks, guild halls, courts, and the military are all found here.
"Behind the walls in Licilian are where anything really gets done...and yet somehow nothing gets done at the same time." - Court ClerkThe Castle of the Storm is here, though no king has been within its walls for over a decade. The Silver Council has its council chambers here behind massive stone walls a huge iron gates. The city guard have a heavy presence here as do soldiers from the Navarre army (and the personal guard for some of the council members too).
Places of Interest
Castle of the Storm Silver Council