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Garmach Kingdom

The Garmach Kingdom is a kingdom that has lost its pride. The country that was once the crowning jewel of Vordral is now overshadowed by The Republic of Strathmore who won the war for their freedom. The Kingdom of Garmach is the oldest country on Vordral, besides the Dwarf lands, and many of their political systems and ideologies reflect that. They are ruled by a single King with absolute power who makes all choices for the country along with a small board of advisors and the input from the Holy Knights of Vix. The Holy Knights of Vix are a mysterious organization of Knights and nobles that have climbed high enough through the political ranks to become quite influential. The Kingdom of Garmach is the only country on the continent with a large population of elves. The elves work closely with the people of Hythe to establish great farms for silk, cotton, and various spices. The trade of these materials is the only thing keeping the country from collapsing into economic downfall. The Garmach Kingdom is an old kingdom that is in a time of change and that change is likely to come soon.


In The Garmach Kingdom, the King rules the entire government. He receives advice from a small board of advisors in order to help him make the best decision possible, but in the end, he always has the final decision. In recent times there has been a group of knights and nobles that have been gaining popularity by both the common man and the nobles called The Holy Knights of Vix. Little is known about them but they continue to climb the political ladder and are often a key source of advice for the King.

Public Agenda

The Garmach Kingdom is fighting hard to restore their kingdom to its former glory and they will do anything to bring back that glory.


Most of the Garmachian wealth comes from the massive silk, cotton, and spice farms set up by the elves in Hythe. The farms thrive despite not being in the perfect climate to grow and many believe the elves use some sort of secret magic to make them grow. Falkirk is a fishing port town that also operates as the main port for all imports and exports into The Garmach Kingdom. Swindon is the beautiful and historied capital of The Garmachian Kingdom and although it produces little for them it's central location makes it a hub for the busy trade from Hythe to Falkirk.


The Garmach Kingdom was possibly the first to ever be created on Vordral. It was born from a great battle fought between the Garmach nomad tribe and the Yishka clan. The Garmach tribe won the war but they still did not give up their nomadic lifestyle until they eventually met elves in the northern forests who taught them about farming and growing food of their own. This is when they founded the city of Hythe and began to live in harmony with the elves. Over time they began to need more space and so they went back out into the plains where they were from and founded a city at the location of the battle they won so long ago. It was like this they lived until eventually explorers from The People of Novon came and showed them their ships and traded with them. The Garmachians then founded the city of Falkirk to be able to easily trade with The People of Novon. Falkirk began to thrive and everything seemed to be going well for the Garmachians until they decided that they wanted to further expand south. They reached the southern forest where they were met with an army of Dryads and other Fey folk who refused to let them pass. After years of devastating battles with the Dryads and huge losses on both sides, the Garmachian Kingdom won the war and finally broke through the forest to the other side, where they founded a forward camp that would eventually become the city of New Swindon. This new opportunity for expansion was met with very different reactions from different members of society. The general populace wanted to continue expanding headfirst into the unknown for the glory of The Garmach Empire just like their nomadic ancestors did in the past, but the more prudent nobles and government officials who lost huge amounts of money and soldiers in the war with the Dryads wanted to expand no further. The common people wouldn't hear it, however, and the Garmach Kingdom began to be filled with political unrest. The King at the time used a heavy hand to deal with the rebellious citizens. This decision ended up backfiring as it caused the people to become even more enraged. Not only was their voice not being heard but the government was punishing them for voicing it. The rift grew until civil war was inevitable. The Garmach Kingdom, over many years, slowly lost the war, New Swindon was taken and The Republic of Strathmore was founded. The Garmach Kingdom was confident in their ability to win back the city through war however and began to send many units through the forest to take the city back but every time they were thwarted by the hit and run style of fighting The Republic used. Overtime The Republic of Strathmore began to thrive and The Garmach Kingdom began to fall into its shadow.

"Steadfast in Duty"

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
  • Horses
  • Wine
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Gems
  • Silver
Major Imports
  • Silk
  • Cotton
  • Spices
Neighboring Nations

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