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The People of Novon

The People of Novon are an intellectual powerhouse on the continent of Vordral. They are single-handedly responsible for the bronze age and the invention of ships able to trade across the islands. They are also at the forefront of magical research and experimentation. All of this technological achievement comes from the number of resources and good trade relations with the other continents. They have an abundance of gold and many brilliant minds. However, they don't take all of their success for granted they are devout followers of Novon The god of Knowledge and through his teachings, they understand that the primary goal in seeking knowledge isn't to achieve some lofty personal goal or world dominance, but instead to help others and teach them so that they, in turn, can help even more people. This endless cycle of learning, growing, and teaching is what drives their generally peaceful nature. Though they have suffered hard times, they continue to elevate the technological and magical ceiling and strive to better the world.


The People of Novon are led by a circle of six of the most brilliant minds in the country known as the Conclave of Knowledge. They make all of the laws and government systems for the entire country. They are considered to be divine and holy entities of Novon. The Conclave is made up of 1 high cleric of Novon, 1 Venerated and gifted wizard, and 1 incredibly skilled military tactician. These 3 are known as the High Trinity. The other three members are known as the Low Trinity. The Low Trinity doesn't need to specifically be one wizard, one cleric, and one military strategist. All six members of the conclave are chosen through a rigorous competition known as Novon's Trial. Novon's Trial is a contest of intellect, military strategy, and political capabilities, with a special ritual at the end where Novon himself establishes 6 victors. These 6 victors then establish which of the 6 are the High Trinity. This contest is held every year to rotate one member of the Low Trinity each year and on the third year where there is an entirely new Low Trinity, no contest is held but instead, there is a week of celebration and reflection on the accomplishments of the Conclave in the past three years. This process is repeated until the 6th year where an entirely new Conclave of Knowledge is chosen.

Public Agenda

The People of Novon seek to find all of the truths in the universe and use those truths to make technological and magical strides.


Due to the nature of their country, The People of Novon have access to many different resources and luxury items. Bronze Bluff has access to a wealth of copper, coal, tin, gems, and pearls. Bronze Bluff is also home to the mightiest of The People's army. They use the outskirts of The Soundless Marsh to train against many different creatures. Scorpion's Summit has mines all along the Tarrasque Spine they collect everything from iron to gold. However, since they are in a desert area they rely mostly on trading for fresh food. Lords Landing is in an incredibly fertile area and collects most of the food for the country. They also are in a prime trading position and are the main source of income for the Novonites.


The People of Novon were not always as intellectually focused as they are now. When Lords Landing was originally founded it was a small farming village that was made only to thrive in an otherwise desolate part of the continent. It wasn't until a great explorer ventured out into The Sandscar Desert and found an oasis on top of a massive plateau, that the City of Scorpion's Summit was founded. Once Scorpion's Summit was founded many hardships were faced trying to deal with the complications of the desert. Many believed the city was doomed to fail until eventually, the explorer began to pray to Novon and ask him for wisdom and guidance. Novon prophecied that this country would one day be the pinnacle of engineering and knowledge and it all started here. Novon then granted him the knowledge of farming methods that would work perfectly in the desert oasis. It was then that The People of Novon began their journey of science and faith to change the world forever. Their journey did stop there however, the same explorer that founded Scorpion's Summit crossed the tail end of The Tarassque Spine and founded a city on the west banks of the Invisible Sea, named Purity Pass. Purity Pass was a thriving town and become somewhat of a holy site for The People of Novon. It was then *the Infected army* marched on Purity Pass and took it for their city, now named Vixlaz. The loss of their holy site angered The People, but they realized their peaceful and scientific ways left them lacking in a strong enough military to properly retake the city. Thus they established Bronze Bluff on the southeastern half of the island and used their abundance of copper and tin to create bronze weaponry that at the time was unparalleled to the primitive sticks and stones of *the Infected army*. The People of Novon planned an attack to retake the city that was next to impossible to lose do to their far superior weaponry. However, *the Infected army* were suddenly much more of a threat then they were during the previous encounter and the Novonites were defeated mightily. No man lived through the encounter and still to this day no one knows what happened to the brave soldiers that marched on Purity Pass. *The Infected army* has yet to successfully attack The People since then due to the perfect defensive terrain. Knowing that they can easily hold off *the Infected army*, The People of Novon have gone back to focusing on research to desperately create a method of dealing with the ever-looming threat of *the Infected army*.

"We were, we are, we will be"

Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
PoN (Pronounced "Pawn"): A derogatory name

The People: An Abbreviation often used in regular conversation
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Major Exports
  • Gems
  • Iron
  • Gold
  • Fish
  • Bronze
  • Silver
Major Imports
  • Furs
  • Textiles
  • Silk
  • Cotton
  • Spices
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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