Kadel guides the party to Aspengarde

Population Migration / Travel


Kadel leads the party to Aspengarde.

While sitting around the evening campfire, the party hears a man approach. The man, Kadel, asked for the party's help to travel south through some underground tunnels. It would keep them off the road and out of harms way from the pursuing Orcs. The party agreed and followed Kadel. The tunnels were partially natural and partially carved, forgotten ruins of a past civilization. They resembled the tunnels of Betz's home. After stopping to mine some Shadow Steel, the party arrived at a passageway marked "Trial of the Will". Upon entering, they first found themselves in a cold stone circle of broken stones and dense fog. At the edges of the fog were streaks of black. Adresin , Kadel, Kavoth(now using the name "Tasio", and Gonrey all passed through the stone circle into a staircase, while Zin'fir and Betz investigated the blur in the mists. Pushing deeper within, they found a being of shadow, surrounded by ravens. The creature warned the pair that great evils lie on their journey ahead, but that the two seemed pure of heart and shouldn't fret.   The next chamber was revealed to be a long bridge over an endless ocean of black water. In the distance, two creatures approached. As the party began to run toward the doorway at the end of the bridge, the two creatures began to rise out of the water, pulling up a tidal wave with them like a curtain. Before the wave could reach the party, they passed through the door and found themselves safe, just on the other side of the archway marked "Trial of the Wills".   Later, Kadel found his prize. In a large chamber, illuminated under a beam of sunlight were the gloves he came to find. Guarding them was a Cloaker and a Fomorrian, which the party fought off. They climbed their way out of the cave and arrived at the first checkpoint for Aspengarde. They were given documentation that denoted the number of party members, affiliation, and possession of magic items. They began the trek toward the city as Aspengarde awaited.

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