Adventurers of Veisora chronicle

  • 500 VE

    The Genesis Era
    Era beginning/end

    The prime gods discover the world of Viesora and agree to place their representative races upon it. Elves, Dwarves, Humans, and the other common races are born into Brymstone.   It is discovered that they are not the first to come across this world. Existing powers have already created life here, but they are nowhere to be found.

    Additional timelines
  • 150 VE

    Zin'fir is born
    Life, Birth

    Zin'fir is born into the Eldertide clan.

  • 0 VE

    The Gods Abandon the World
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Many gods, seeing their races failure to expand and colonize at a fast rate, leave Viesora behind. Clerics and Paladins often find power from sources beyond the gods as a result. Only a few gods remain, with some paying occasional attention to Viesora for their own entertainment.

    Additional timelines
  • 0 VE

    The Satori Era
    Era beginning/end

    The era that follows the abandonment by the gods, an event known as the Satori.

    Additional timelines
  • 275 GE

    Betz is born
    Life, Birth

    Betz is born.

  • 375 GE

    The Eldertide Clan dissolves

    For reasons known only to a few, the Eldertide Clan disappears...

  • 392 GE

    Adresin is born
    Life, Birth

    Adresin is born.

  • 402 GE

    Gonrey is born
    Life, Birth

    Gonrey is born.

  • 402 GE

    402 GE


    The Lunelle are destroyed

    The Lunelle, the magical organization who would later become The Visitors, is forced to disband by The Order of the Obsidian Gate.

    Additional timelines
  • 406 GE


    The Visitors are formed

    The remnants of the Lunelle form The Visitors to continue their operations in secret.

    Additional timelines
  • 408 GE

    Re'lar is born
    Life, Birth

    Re'lar is born.

  • 411 GE

    Adresin becomes a Lycan
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

  • 425 GE

    13 /3

    Adresin and Zin'fir meet

    Coincidentally under a full Runis moon, Zin'fir and Adresin meet as they both agree to protect Yerso Brenkar's cart bound for Raven's Beak.

  • 425 GE

    15 /3

    Betz, Kavoth, and Gonrey find Yerso's caravan

    Betz, Kavoth, and Gonrey find the caravan protected by Zin'fir and Adresin Sanveen on the road to Raven's Beak.

  • 425 GE

    16 /3 01:00

    Yerso's Caravan is attacked
    Military: Skirmish

    Displacer Beasts ambush the caravan. The party manages to fight them off.

  • 425 GE

    16 /3 03:00
    425 GE

    17 /3

    The caravan heads to Raven's Beak
    Population Migration / Travel

    The caravan heads to Raven's Beak, making just one stop for the night to investigate an old tower.

  • 425 GE

    17 /3

    The Erias Accord arrest Kaludar
    Criminal Activity

    Behned Jastam tracks a mage named Kaludar to The Bird's Nest and captures him.

    The Bird's Nest
  • 425 GE

    18 /3

    The party meets Moris Mooney
    Gathering / Conference

    The party is escorted to the den of Moris Mooney by the guide, Yerso. They are offered a job if they want it: break into the mages house and recover a letter tying him to Mooney before his home is searched by guards.

  • 425 GE

    18 /3

    The party searches Kaludar's house
    Criminal Activity

    The party searches the home of the captured sorcerer.

    Raven's Beak
  • 425 GE

    18 /3

    Kaludar is hanged
    Life, Death

    The Erias Accord officially hangs and kills Kaludar.

  • 425 GE

    19 /3

    Adresin reveals his Lycan form
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Adresin Sanveen enters his Lycan form in front of the party for the first time.

  • 425 GE

    19 /3

    The Dragonfly Society is connected to the Wallower
    Criminal Activity

    The string of killings in the city of Raven's Beak is connected to an organization called The Dragonfly Society.

  • 425 GE

    19 /3

    The party finds the Wallower
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party seeks out The Wallower on behalf of Captain Kalnirith Bluehold.   In an investigation that leads them all over Raven's Beak, the party ends up battling the beast in a tailor shop. They hunt it to a bunker beneath the shop itself, trapping and killing it within.

  • 425 GE

    20 /3

    The party is officially formed

    The five adventurers, Betz, Gonrey, Kavoth, Zin'fir, and Adresin, agree to travel and work together.

  • 425 GE

    20 /3

    Betz kills Thurmar Brawntale
    Life, Death

    Betz eliminates his target: Thurmar Brawntale

  • 425 GE

    1 /4
    425 GE

    5 /4

    The party travels to Worgin'toll
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party ventures to the town of Worgin'toll on a new quest for Moris Mooney

  • 425 GE

    2 /4

    Adresin investigates the homestead of Gralin Grasswood
    Criminal Activity

    A stop along the road led to a homestead that Mooney had told Adresin about. There they found 5 bodies. Three seemed to belong to a family, the other two were seemingly intruders. After investigating the scene, they discovered a letter from Grey Shepard.

  • 425 GE

    3 /4

    Zin'fir finds a rose
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Zin'fir found a red rose growing from a corpse on the side of the road. Betz plucked it, sending a beam of light into the air.

    Blood Rose
  • 425 GE

    6 /4

    The party enters the Temple of the Rainless Lake

    After Kavoth is kidnapped and dragged into the temple near Worgin'toll, the party rushes in after him.

    Kuo Toa
  • 425 GE

    8 /4

    The party leaves Worgin'toll
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party leaves behind Worgin'toll, a town left to ruin. They race against the clock as they head for a cabin to ride out the coming full moon.

  • 425 GE

    13 /4

    A blood moon rises...
    Celestial / Cosmic

    As the blood moon rises, the party find themselves in the midst of the forest. They hunker down in a cabin and barricade the doors. Strange events occur in the night.

    More reading
  • 425 GE

    15 /4
    425 GE

    17 /4

    The Voidsoul sends the party to Bol'drugg
    Life, Supernatural

    The Voidsoul, an old Eldertide Clan exile, sends the party to gather supplies to help cure Betz. They are sent to Bol'drugg.

  • 425 GE

    17 /4
    425 GE

    19 /4

    The party returns to Raven's Beak
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party returns to the city of Raven's Beak and are rewarded by Mooney for their successful quest. He set the party up with another quest to protect an exchange of cargo.

  • 425 GE

    20 /4

    The job goes wrong
    Military: Skirmish

    The cargo exchange that the party was overseeing goes wrong when the trio of mercenaries delivering the goods attacked Mooney's assistant.

    Raven's Beak
  • 425 GE

    1 /5

    The party exchanges Mooney's shipment
    Criminal Activity

    The party exchanges Mooney's shipment at Ashkaya. There, they meet a pair of odd figures: one a female human and one a half-orc male (who they later learn are named Blair and Guthrie).    They are given a crate which contained Bulwin, a ranger sent on a quest from the Asylum Clan.

  • 425 GE

    1 /5 01:00

    The Black Wolf finds Adresin
    Military action

    Adresin and the party are set upon by old enemies.

  • 425 GE

    2 /5
    425 GE

    6 /5

    The party travels to Ekesta
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party heads to Ekesta. On the way, Bulwin finishes his personal quest and bids the party farewell.

  • 425 GE

    2 /5

    Adresin kills Yerso
    Life, Death

    Adresin kills Yerso Brenkar to cover the party's tracks as they left town.

  • 425 GE

    2 /5

    The party sneaks into Raven's Beak
    Criminal Activity

    Now wanted men, the party wandered back into Raven's Beak. They dodged guards, who were present from both The Erias Accord and The Order of the Obsidian Gate.

    Raven's Beak
  • 425 GE

    5 /5

    The schematic is discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    While looking for incense to cover the party's tracks from future wolf attacks, they uncover a body in an old Eldertide Clan temple. The body is clutching an aged scroll scrawled with unknown runes. The body appears to be a member of The Visitors.

  • 425 GE

    7 /5

    The group raids the Hobgoblin castle
    Military: Battle

    The party clears the Hobgoblin castle on a quest for Ekesta

  • 425 GE

    8 /5

    The orcs search for the party
    Population Migration / Travel

    The orcs of Bol'drugg seek out the party in revenge. The group is forced to leave Ekesta in a hurry, heading to rendezvous with Moris Mooney in the city of Aspengarde.

  • 425 GE

    9 /5
    425 GE

    12 /5

    Kadel guides the party to Aspengarde
    Population Migration / Travel

    Kadel leads the party to Aspengarde.

  • 425 GE

    12 /5

    Arrival in Aspengarde
    Gathering / Conference

    The party reaches Aspengarde and regroups with Mooney.

  • 425 GE

    13 /5

    The Vipers are removed from Aspengarde

    The Vipers are forced out of their headquarters by Mooney's men.

    Additional timelines
  • 425 GE

    13 /5

    Hyde-gar attacks
    Military: Battle

    Hyde-gar finds Adresin Sanveen and attacks the party under the light of the full moon. He nearly kills several members.   Hyde-gar's one possession was a key for a tavern room, where the party went the following day to investigate. Inside were two letters. One was an invitation by High Priest Jossan to Hyde-gar, the other was a message from The Gray Shepard  to Hyde-gar requesting that he kill Adresin.

  • 425 GE

    14 /5

    A mysterious woman threatens Mooney
    Criminal Activity

    A woman appears at Mooney's door, threatening to make things difficult if he does not make the Viper's production facility operational again in one week's time. She left behind a rose.

  • 425 GE

    15 /5

    Betz threatens Kenning Srenn
    Criminal Activity

    Betz forces Kenning Srenn to improve conditions for his workers.

  • 425 GE

    16 /5

    Zin'fir spots a man with an Eldertide mask

    Zin'fir spots a mask similar to his own in a crowd. The figure stared at Zin'fir for a moment before heading into the The Brightway Gardens of Aspengarde.

  • 425 GE

    16 /5 12:00

    The chosen makes an appearance in Aspengarde
    Life, Publicity

    The Chosen walks the main thoroughfare of the Crests. The party does not get eyes on him, but all except for Adresin are present.

  • 425 GE

    17 /5

    The Order arrests a pair of mages in Aspengarde
    Criminal Activity

    Led by Ritegrayer Moorhide, the Order arrests two mages as the party watches from across the street.

  • 425 GE

    19 /5

    The Srenn Bank Heist
    Criminal Activity

    The group steals 5000 gold pieces from the Srenn Banking Firm during a transfer from the vault to carts for transport.   During the heist, Kadel watches as The Visitors attempt a job of their own. Mages attacked a second cart headed north, which was thought to be carrying something of magical importance.

  • 425 GE

    1 /6

    The adventurers clear a spider nest
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party enters a town overtaken by giant spiders. The creatures are led by a Drider. They fight and clear the dungeon, completing a quest for Yusorin in Ekesta.

  • 425 GE

    3 /6

    Betz kills Pana Devandell
    Life, Death

    Betz, with help from Re'lar, kills his target: Pana Devandell. He tracked her to an Order excavation site, where they were unearthing a statue of dark stone.

  • 425 GE

    5 /6

    The group reaches Ekesta
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party reaches Ekesta and finds it still recovering from a recent Orc attack (one that they seemingly brought on the town).

  • 425 GE

    6 /6

    Re'lar activates the Blades of Three
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Re'lar pours enough magical energy into the Blades of Three to summon a fiendish creature. The party realizes they are outclassed and quickly flees, leaving the circle behind.

  • 425 GE

    9 /6

    The Order pass through the Gravewood
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party meets a pair of Order members on their journey through the Gravewood. Zemith Viceahk and Talon Zoldscar were later found to be in pursuit of the same goal as the party.

  • 425 GE

    10 /6

    Zin'fir meets a forest spirit
    Celestial / Cosmic

    A massive celestial figure greets Zin'fir as he keeps watch. The creature warns Zin'fir of danger and tells him that he may be the last of the Eldertide, if not one of them.

  • 425 GE

    14 /6

    The party meets the Asylum Clan and kills a Flesh Root
    Diplomatic action

    After arriving at the map point, the group is brought to the Asylum Clan and their leader, Lockwess. He offers to help them bridge the gap that separates them from their destination, but in return they must slay the strange creature that's been growing in the caverns below.   Zin'fir leads the way and discovers that the network of root veins is more complex than he may have first realized.

  • 425 GE

    15 /6

    The Asylum Clan lets the party take refuge from the blood moon

  • 425 GE

    17 /6

    The party is brought to the temple for questioning
    Criminal Activity

    The party's abundance of magical gear is found to be suspicious by the Order, who brings the party to The Temple of the Satori for questioning. There, Ritegrayer Moorhide blackmails them into working for him.   Cordell Calaban recovered the stolen tablet for the party on their way out.   The party decides not to, and returns later to take him out and clear their obligation to the order.

  • 425 GE

    18 /6

    The group leaves Aspengarde and Mooney behind
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Adventurers of Viesora temporarily end their employment with Moris Mooney as they leave the city of Aspengarde and Brymstone behind.   They head to Port Mael with Salla'h Prenn in tow.

  • 425 GE

    18 /6 21:00

    Ritegrayer Moorhide is killed
    Life, Death

    The party battles and kills Ritegrayer Moorhide in the tunnels beneath the Temple of the Satori.

  • 425 GE

    21 /6

    Betz attempts to seduce Salla'h
    Life, Relationship change

    Betz attempts and succeeds in seducing Salla'h Prenn in a rare moment of emotion by the Shadar Kai.

  • 425 GE

    21 /6

    Re'lar starts to use his real name with the party
    Life, Identity

    After Betz called him by his name in the heat of battle with Ritegrayer Moorhide, Re'lar decided to use his real name.

  • 425 GE

    21 /6
    425 GE

    23 /6

    Zin'fir and Adresin search for Corilla's missing child
    Civil action

    Following a lead found in the Portside Pub, Zin'fir and Adresin try to locate a missing child, but to no avail.   After questioning Panry Wisewood, the trail went cold and the party left the next day.

  • 425 GE

    27 /6

    The party is attacked by a sea beast
    Military: Skirmish

    A tentacled beast attacks The Magdalen.

  • 425 GE

    28 /6

    Betz is visited by an Aspect of the Raven Queen
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Betz is visited by an Aspect of The Raven Queen. He tells Betz that he has been mislead by his people, who have been giving him false targets that benefit only themselves.    Betz kneeled before the figure and apologized. He was told that he was now far enough from Skotal that he would only receive true targets for now.

  • 425 GE

    30 /6

    Arrival in the Shimmering Sands
    Population Migration / Travel

    Betz, Gonrey and Re'lar head into the town of Rimden, leaving the rest of the crew to repair and watch the Magdalen.   There, they find Rimden to be abandoned completely.

  • 425 GE

    1 /7

    The party joins Korick and heads west

    The party meets Korick, an unwitting undead who wishes to lift his curse. He enlists the party's help and they head west, finding a sand sled to travel the dunes on.   Betz is hesitant of Korick, due to his unnatural life.    They eventually hit Orell's Pass and navigate through the rapidly swirling winds of the valley.

  • 425 GE

    10 /7

    Arrival in the Glass Fields
    Discovery, Exploration

    The group arrives in the The Glass Fields after a difficult, stormy journey through the sands. There, they find and battle Belyarus, who escapes into some tunnels nearby.

    The Glass Fields
  • 425 GE

    10 /7 13:00

    The party has visions in the Glass Fields
    Life, Supernatural

    The party has strange visions while travelling through the Glass Fields. Betz and Re'lar have a shared vision, in which they hear screams and are hurt by a hot, white pain.   Gonrey sees what they saw more clearly. He sees a city that once stood in the same spot that the Glass Fields now lie. He sees the blast form around the city before obliterating the area from the outside in. Looking into the sky, he recognizes the visage of the god Ayhen.   Zinfir sees something separate. He sees his old life flash before his eyes. And then he sees the destruction of his people, and the growth of a dark, fleshy entity at the hands of Engdolin, the separatist Eldertide member.   Adresin sees his people in peril. He sees his old master call out to him for help, before his vision goes dark. This vision haunts him.

  • 425 GE

    10 /7 14:00

    Battle in the Glass Fields
    Military: Skirmish

    The party finds and battles Belyarus in the Glass Fields. He makes a quick escape, but with an injury from Betz's Widow's Whisper and a spell from Zin'fir, he does not make it far.    The party goes in pursuit.

  • 425 GE

    11 /7

    Adresin leaves the group
    Life, Relationship change

    Adresin Sanveen is gone when the party wakes up, having left to go after his people.

  • 425 GE

    12 /7

    Javan joins the party
    Life, Identity

    After waking up from a magical stasis, Javan Meliamne finds himself in a new time, many years since the fall of his people. He choses to follow the party in his aimless state.

    The Glass Fields
  • 425 GE

    12 /7

    The death of Korick
    Life, Death

    Korick's curse is lifted and he dies upon the desert sands, grateful for the help of the party.

  • 425 GE

    12 /7

    The party finds and kills Belyarus
    Military: Skirmish

    Following Belyarus into a colony of diseased ants, the party helps Korick kill Belyarus.

  • 425 GE

    16 /7

    The party arrives in Orion
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party braves a few final nights in The Shimmering Sands before arriving in Orion.   Sheeva Agnosett is escorted to the city from the Kersu Garrison by the party.

  • 425 GE

    19 /7

    Attack on the Agnosett House
    Criminal Activity

    The Agnosett house is attacked by unknown intruders. Sheeva Agnosett is kidnapped and a bloody message left behind for the Adventurers of Brymstone reads "From Ritegrayer".

    Additional timelines
  • 425 GE

    1 /8

    The party clears the Temple of the Forsworn
    Discovery, Exploration

    The party embarks with Hirla Elbridge to the Temple of the Forsworn. They battle Yuan Ti on their way in, where they begin to decipher the secrets of the temple. As they descend further inside, Hirla traps them within.   The party explores the inner temple. They find a ritual chamber and decide to perform it. They see visions of a possible dark future. Their visions are cut short when they are suddenly plunged towards a chamber beneath. The party smashes a potion on the ground and is suddenly teleported away.

  • 425 GE

    5 /8

    Zin'fir experiments with the Red Scourge
    Life, Supernatural

  • 425 GE

    6 /8

    The party breaks Remus out of Hellbend
    Criminal Activity

  • 425 GE

    12 /8

    The party arrives in Steelbank
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party makes their way to Steelbank, running down the clock on Remus's mark and the coming red moon. They meet Yanel at the entrance to the city and search for a place to spend the night before going to see The Gray Shepard.

  • 425 GE

    13 /8

    Dinner with the Gray Shepard goes awry
    Life, Death

    The party meets with the Gray Shepard, who reveals that Adresin Sanveen is his son. He quickly grows angry with the party for "corrupting" Adresin. Betz decided to draw his weapon on him, firing a blast and beginning a scuffle that ended in the death of the Gray Shepard and the burning of Castle Cambolten.

  • 425 GE

    14 /8

    The party arrives in Atlas
    Discovery, Exploration

    Remus takes the party to Atlas.

  • 425 GE

    16 /8

    Atlas is attacked by Sunkar
    Military: Battle

  • 425 GE

    16 /8
    425 GE

    18 /8

    The party flees Atlas
    Population Migration / Travel

    After Atlas is locked down, the party leaves by boat on a quest for Gamrik Paziros. They arrive in Mooncloak several days later.