The party has strange visions while travelling through the Glass Fields. Betz and Re'lar have a shared vision, in which they hear screams and are hurt by a hot, white pain.
Gonrey sees what they saw more clearly. He sees a city that once stood in the same spot that the Glass Fields now lie. He sees the blast form around the city before obliterating the area from the outside in. Looking into the sky, he recognizes the visage of the god Ayhen.
Zinfir sees something separate. He sees his old life flash before his eyes. And then he sees the destruction of his people, and the growth of a dark, fleshy entity at the hands of Engdolin, the separatist Eldertide member.
Adresin sees his people in peril. He sees his old master call out to him for help, before his vision goes dark. This vision haunts him.