Terran Dominion

"It was a struggle to unite that caused Humanity to plunge its home into nuclear fire. We stand united from our inception. We don't share that weakness."
The Terran Dominion is a militaristic state run by and home to the Terran species. The Dominion was formed soon after the emregence of Terrans as a distinct species in the wake of Earth's cataclysm. The few remaining humans found themselves unable to survive in the irradiated environment of their old homeworld and died out, leaving the Terrans to inherit the planet and form their dominion. The Dominion is extremely authoritarian, believing that it was disunity and weakness that caused humanity to lose themselves in the fires of nuclear war and vowing never to allow that to happen to them.


The Terran Empire is lead by an Archon, who oversees a council tasked with managing the bureaucracy of the state. The Archon has supreme executive power and is the commander in chief of the armed forces and law enforcement. The Council is responsible for collecting taxes, administering public welfare, and organizing recruitment for the armed forces.


The Terran Dominion is hyper militaristic, emphasizing strength, duty, and service. Great efforts are made to make service to the state synonymous with service to the Terran species itself and this attitude is widespread throughout the Dominion.

Public Agenda

The Terran Dominion is motivated by the survival and propagation of what they consider to be their own distinct species. To this end, they prioritize the creation of strong fleets and armies to deter any aggressors, preemptively if necessary.


The Dominion commands a highly competent star fleet and a land army that is renowned throughout the galaxy for its prowess and bravery. They also posess a large population and a respectable economy.

Demography and Population

The Terran Union is fully composed of Terrans, the offshoot species that arose in the irradiated aftermath of Terra's cataclysm at the end of the 21st century. Terrans are the only ones legally allowed to aquire citizenship within the Dominion as the Dominion sees itself as fundamentally dedicated to the species' survival and prosperity.


Religion in the Terran Dominion is not outlawed but is heavily discouraged and regulated. The Dominion considers religions to be a distracting and potentially subversive element and as such keeps it closely monitered.

Foreign Relations

The Dominion has a fairly aggressive foreign policy as it does not tolerate threats, real or perceived, from outside influences. It is often described by outsiders as paranoid and is more often than not the aggressor in the instances where dispuites between themselves and other factions have boiled over into war. Despite this, they do not pick fights needlessly and are pragmatic enough to recognize the value of alliances of convenience.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Terran Empire
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Terran Scrip
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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