
"To be Terran is to carry the weight of history on your shoulders, to remember the lessons of the past, and to forge a path toward a brighter future."

Basic Information


Terrans retain the general physical shape of their human ancestors, but are easily distinguished due to their green or grey skin, black eyes, and larger and more muscular stature. Terran Males typically stand at around 250 cms in height while females average around 240cms.

Genetics and Reproduction

Terran reproduction is nearly identical to human reproduction though, like several societies, many Terrans opt to grow their offspring in artificial wombs rather than undergo natural pregnancy.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Terran senses are comperable to Human senses, though studies seem to indicate that Terran eyesight is slightly inferior to that of humans.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Terran beauty is often associated with physical resilience and strength. Terrans take pride in their robust physiques, enhanced by their denser bones and increased muscle mass. A strong and sturdy build is considered attractive, as it symbolizes the ability to endure the harsh environment of their ruined planet.

Gender Ideals

Terrans place a strong emphasis on gender equality. In their society, both genders are considered equal contributors to the survival and advancement of their species. Gender-based discrimination is strongly discouraged, and individuals are judged based on their skills, merits, and contributions rather than their gender.

Courtship Ideals

Terrans place a high value on physical strength and resilience as symbols of their ability to survive and thrive in their harsh environment. Courtship often involves physical challenges or demonstrations of endurance, where individuals compete to prove their strength and suitability as partners. Prospective mates may engage in a series of trials and tests that mimic the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world. These trials can include survival challenges, combat simulations, or resource-gathering tasks. Successfully completing these trials demonstrates one's commitment and ability to contribute to the partnership. Terran courtship is not taken lightly. Once a partnership is formed, it is expected to be a lifelong commitment. The bond between mates is seen as a source of strength and stability in their challenging world.

Relationship Ideals

Terrans highly value the bonds they forge with one another, be they romantic or bonds of friendship. Terrans tend to view their relationships as not only supporting themselves but as supporting their species as a whole, strengthening it from within.

Average Technological Level

The Terrans have preserved much of the surviving technology from before the cataclysm and have made limited imporvements to it in the following centuries. The Terrans are particularly known for their weapons technology and combat armor.


In the years prior to the cataclysm the United Nations authorized the development and utilization of gene tailoring technologies in order to develop superior soldiers to fight the growing influence of extremist factions accross the planet. Those who volunteered for the proces found their physical stature, strength, and endurance enhanced, though the tampering with their genes left them infertile, these soldiers were willing to make that sacrifice. These enhanced soldiers began to stem the tide of extremism for a time, but were ultimately not enough to keep the unrest at bay, despite growing numbers. In 2077 the cataclysm came, killing millions in an instant and billions in the following weeks from starvation, radiation, and violence.    The gene-tailored soldiers found themselves able to survive in the harsh post-apocalyptic world they found themselves in, but they also noticed that they had begun to change. Their skin began to shift to shades of greenish-grey, their eyes began to blacken, and their bones became denser. Most notably, these soldiers found that these changes had somehow restored their fertility and that the children born to them were like them. These survivors decided that they were no longer the humans they once were, but were a new species, which they called Terran. The Terrans banded together and began to reclaim their world, even as the last remnants of unaltered humanity died out in the hostile environment that followed the cataclysm.   The Terrans organized themselves into the Terran Dominion, a militaristic state that would not allow the weakness of the human race to creap back into their society. They vowed to safeguard their world and their new species and carve a place for themselves and their children among the stars.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Terrans take great pride in their identity as a new and distinct species from humans and have somewhat strained relations with human factions as a result. Their emphasis on martial strength has also caused tensions with other factions that has boiled over into war in the past. Terrans hold a sense of superiority over other sentient species that makes them somewhat difficult to work with on any meaningful level.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Terranius
Related Organizations


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