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The Stained Ruby

Home to the Blood Reign Raiders

A feared sight in the skies, the Stained Ruby is one of the first sky ships to soar into the clouds and sail across the winds with Captain Tal-Oe at the helm and his band of sky pirates, the Blood Reign Raiders.


The origins of the ship dates back thirty years, not long after the end of the Cytal Civil War. The Royal Family of Norpelda felt threatened by the war and violence, leading them to commission the Midnight Owls to create a new fleet of ships that would allow them to command the skies. What the owls designed was a model of ship that would sail high above the lands instead of sea. Giving them advantage over their enemies.   But soon after their introduction to the public, one of these ships was stolen by the Blood Reign Raiders. Claiming the air craft for themselves and modifying it to create an eerie shadow in the night sky.   Its timber planks remained the same, but now splattered with various stains of enemies slain on the decks of the ship. The large white hemp cloths now replaced with charmed black sails to allow for quicker manoeuvre between the clouds. And the traditional anchor shape grinded off and swapped out for the metallic head of a Roc, allowing for the beak to bury deep into the ground, securing the ship when docking.   For added protection, Captain Tal-Oe haggled for a cannon design that would allow for 180 degree rotation. Giving them an advantage to fire in all directions against enemies ships such as the Royal Norpeldan Fleet.  
On the grand scheme of things, it weren't that long ago. The Stained Ruby would stalk the skies, waiting for its next haul. Looming over us like a terrible plague. You knew it were out there, and eventually it be coming for ye.
— Oralyn Fisherman

The Legacy:

The reputation of the Blood Reign Raiders and their ship struck fear into the people of South Cytal. Watching the silhouette of the darkened ship on a clear head directly for their towns and villages before descending and doing as they saw fit. Its modifications allowed the sky pirates to rule over the skies for several years both over land and seas. Quickly ascending the name 'Blood Reign Raiders' into common knowledge amongst sailors and pirates alike.   The ship finally made it's demise during an encounter with the storm creatures known as Sauratar. With the crew perishing and Captain Tal-Oe falling from the sky with his ship, crashing and splintering into the seas below.
Captain Tal-Oe
Character | Jul 7, 2024
Settlement | Jul 1, 2024
Sacaryn Island
Geographic Location | Jun 30, 2024


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