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The floating city, the cloud dwellers, the city of Norpelda. One of the last remaining cities with a royal family and a community of rich and regal beings, fascinated by land dwellers. From their history to their most prized treasures.   Below the large floating island is the Shrouded Valley. In contrast this town in constant shadow is home to some of the most dangeroud and dispicable evils throughout the continent. A stark contrast to the sky city above.

What the Crown Controls:

The royal family of Norpelda watch carefully over their citzens from Loah Palace (named in honour of the Acuran of Flight, Eir-Loah). What they can see from their perches is a city that feels regal, proud to be part of Norpelda and various elegant towers touching the clouds. The city is home to many air Alum and Sorcerer who have gained the ability to fly to varying success. As such the city not only has twsting walkways and overarching bridges but flight paths for the people to traverse the city at speeds.   Being at such a height since the city was founded, the people have made advancements in both magical and mechanical advancements relating to travelling elevation. This includes the only city to have airships in all of Violem, as well as magic propelled platforms serving as elevators for more grounded individuals. Being so high up, the residents have also gained a natural resistance to the colder environment but still choose to wear warm and thick attire when in public.  
I haven't read much about Norpelda. I spend so much time concentrating on all the possible encounters of our encounters I barely have anytime for outside reading. Besides Master El-Sor says the city is too high in the sky to home any real monsters.
— Zunelle, Hunter in Training


The city is divided into sectors, with Loah Palace at the centre. Followed by the inner city where most of the merchants and businesses reside. The outer city, residential homes and air stations connecting various parts of the city. The city edge where city guard and warriors patrol the outer walls. Finally there is the island edge itself, where sky elevators are dotted to allow safe travel from Norpelda to the continent below.  

Who Might You Find:

Various characters and organisations are scattered throughout the city, the most notable besides the Royal Family is the archeologist group Paramound. A collection of likeminded individuals who are obsessed with history and exploring the rest of Cytal. Bringing back treasures and artefacts for othrs to witness. A more overlooked group is the Midnight Owls, the engineers who tend to all the mechanical machinery in the city. Forced to work by order of the royal family as not to disturb the beautiful scenery of the city with dirty and noisy machines. The normal religions are not found in Norpelda, instead they are replaced with the Deciples of Feathers, who pray to Ayves, the Acuran of Birds. And the Wordsmiths of Wil-Am-Sae, alum scholars and academics who pray to Eir-Loah, who brought the knowledge of the underworld to their city long ago.

The History of Norpelda:

It all began in the early days of Acuran times, when settlements of Minauran were under attack from Necromancer. The brave actions of one known as Ika, Acuran of Storms, lifted the setttlements into the skies to be safe from any threat again.   While his actions worked for a time, generations later the people of the sky began running low on resources. The noble one known as The Descension of Eir-Loah took the ultimate sacrificed and descended to the surface below. His mission was to find a way to save his city. While it took him ten years, he eventually returned with the knowledge of flight, thus giving him the title Acuran of Flight.   Throughout history, Norpelda flew down to the surface for resources and using them to improve their city through a variety of means. But with a tactical advantage of flight, very little could oppose them thus giving Norpelda an unbalanced wealth compared to other cities such as Drovvin and Fi-Ha. This legacy of taking what they want and keeping for themselves spawned a new group known as Hoarders who have since left the city and made headquarters in other locations including Oralyn.  

The Undercity:

Lying in the crater left behind from rising the island of Norpelda, is the Shrouded Valley. A settlement covered in constant darkness and the perfect place for seedy and devious deals to take place. For this reason, the valley has been taken over by Necromancers and other dark forces wishing to do business. The area is a no mans land where anything goes, with one exception. An unspoken rule of no killing out of fear that guards from Norpelda might descend and wipe them all out.  
While it is a voyage that takes several days out of my schedule. It is a nessessary one. Escpecially to meet with the Cabal. Afterall, what is safer than an undercity protected by darkness. Anyone who would oppose such discussions is too afraid to enter making it almost soundproof.
— The Strategist, Priest of Crellan
  If you are foolish enough to traverse the Shrouded Valley you will likely stumble upon one of the following groups. Sooty and Grime, the Minauran mining company with quick access to ores and minerals often buried deep underground. The Paterna Cabal, a council of mob bosses and leaders within the area act as overlords of the valley. Bone Skulkers, a renound group of assassins who primarily work for Necromancers but will happily provide assistance to the highest bidder.
Cytal Map
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Location under


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