Wanderlings Ethnicity in Violem | World Anvil
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A group of those travellers came through about a month ago. Good bunch of people, certainly had some goodies in them wagons. Better than some of the trinkets you find in Sunburnt market too.
Arwyn Bromms, Former Brazen Bandit
  They never settle down, they're never in one place and roam from town to town. Nomadic clans of Sorcerer and Minauran alike, travelling wherever the world takes them. They are the Wanderlings, a free spiritied group of people that spend life on the road exploring all the wonders of the world.  


While not every clan member is exactly the same, the Wanderlings tend to share characteristics that set them apart from the settlers they pass by. Due to the freedom of constant travel, these people see a lot of unusual sights and overtime have gained an innate curiosity about the world. As well as a vast and varied knowledge of the wilds. Inspiration surrounds these wagon dwellers and use to it hone their creative side in the form of art, music and performance.   If you were to have a conversation with a Wanderling you would most likely find they are incredibly resourceful, crafting and repairing clothes and tools from natural materials as well as being playful souls who can't keep still for long periods of time.  
Character Prompt: After a run in with a herd of Boulder Muncher you and your pet Oogla are separated from the rest of your clan. Now you wander the lands searching for your lost family with a group of strange adventurers, each with their own goals.


Clan members may come and go from time to time but they always see each other as family. Believing that family is key to survival and look out for each other. The size of these clans ranges between 10 to 30 but it is rare to see a Wanderling on their own. Due to the nature of the family unit, group decision making is key for any clan. Everyone is treated equal and all have a say in the decisions that are important for the group.   Finally, one can not talk about beliefs without mentioning freedom. Freedom and Wanderlings go hand in hand, seeing that everyone should have the chance to be free and live life how they choose.    


The life of a Wanderlings is different compared to life in a town or city meaning their traditions are also varied. For starters, the way in which the nomads communicate is through their own language called Droa. A language made up of ancient texts, the common tongue and small noises from various animals and monsters to create something only Wanderlings can understand.   Another popular custom for these people is stargazing on a clear night. Watching the shooting stars and reading the lights in the sky like a map. Allowing them to navigate across the lands with ease. A skill largely forgotten in most kingdoms. And then there is a yearly tradition of wagon painting. Used as a way to bring the clan closer together and to remind them of the adventures they have had over the last year.    


  • Maraleye: The kingdom of Maraleye are a proud group of sorcerers and often scorn at anything they do not fully understand. As such, Wanderlings are not welcome in the kingdom.
  • Eyaton: The people of this kingdom love the company of Wanderlings, getting excited when they see the colourful wagons roll down the streets. Accompanied by performers, musicians and traders of exotic good.
  • Oogla: The nature of these little chirping creatures matches the free living style of the Wanderling, and the clan members simply adore them. Keeping them as pets and giving them lots of love and attention. Over many generations, the Wanderling has grown an immunity to the Oogla's hypnotic chirp.


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