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A terrifying condition that is caused by the spore blooming mould of the same name. Once infected, hosts have forty-eight hours to find a cure or run the risk becoming host to the mould, eager to spread anyway possible.  

In the Wild:

Zombie mould was originally found in the rainforests of Hoarwae and can be found stuck to the leaves of any plant life. Appearing on the green foliage as a bright yellow and fuzzy bubble. The bright colour of the mould is designed to attract natural wildlife to interact with it. Once disturbed the mould will pop and release spores into the air. If any animals or creatures inhale the spores, the infection begins.  
I cannot begin to describe what I saw. The men, my men succumb to a disease seemingly out of nowhere. To lose them as fast as I did. Then to rub salt in my wounds, they turned on us, but not as themselves, monsters of mould. Victims of the yellow rage. Zombie, an infection that took them all.
— Captain Hoarwae

The Symptoms:

Whilst each species is affected differently, Sorcerer and other intelligent beings are affected the same. Stage one begins with an irritable cough with spores latching onto the throat and lungs of the host body, spreading at a fast rate. Stage two involve the central nervous system of the host being hijacked, losing function of limbs. Practically paralysing the patient's body. Stage three is the introduction of hallucinations, brought on by the zombie mould gaining sentience and fighting for the mind of the host. The final stage is total invasion of the body. The mould have taken control of the mind and body of the patient, using it as a puppet to spread further distances. The process from initial infection to final invasion takes roughly forty-eight hours.   The progression of the stages can be slowed down and prevented by using forms of extreme cold to freeze and kill the spores before they reproduce. Things such as inhaling freezing potions or ice based magic can prevent zombie from spreading. Exposure to flames has also been known to remedy zombie in its stable bubble form.


Zombie was first recorded by sailors from Ascor, during the time of Adolane, the Acuran of Sailing. Reports and journal entries described the mould to be highly dangerous often killing the majority of ships who encountered it in the wild. The discovery of this is one of the major reasons the sailors abandoned attempts to conquer the continent and headed for the Untouched Lands.   Later, during the time of Captain Hoarwae, zombie had seeped into one of the forts established by the expedition crew. Taking the lives of many crew members and spreading faster than anyone could handle. The captain took the decision to lock down Fort Ivamor, condemning the remaining survivors still inside to fend off the infected sailors for themselves.   Finally, after speaking with the native Ignea, the Kyr tribe was said to have perished from the infection of zombie. Resulting in a new tradition known as zombie pruning.
Ethnicity | Jun 23, 2024
Journals of Captain Hoarwae
Generic article | Jun 2, 2024


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