Sapients Species in Visctheria | World Anvil


There are twenty-four sapient species that call Visctheria home, a thriving planet that is full of biodiversity. While many Visctherians hold no ill will towards any particular species, there are some who cling to the ancient unspoken borders between them.

by sunnybirdboi via Whimsical



Viscans can be easily identified by their skin tones in varying shades of brown, as well as their rounded ears and pupils. They live an average lifespan of around eighty years, and originated in northeastern Meskaovania and southern Reacia before the continent split. Viscans are also the most common species on Visctheria.


Urians are also easy to recognize from their illuminated skin, pointed ears, and exceedingly long life spans. Originating in various areas around the world, no one is exactly sure where they came from, only where the larger populations were in the early Deific Age. There are three types of Urian, described below.


Occurus are the first type of Urian, originally found in Uspatan and Estrana before the Shattering. Their dark skin and blue or green eyes are paired with the longest pointed ears of the three Urian species. Many Occurus are interpreted as stuck up or stuffy, but the Everian Occurus have earned a very different reputation.


Biocurus usually made their homes in forests in ancient times, and can be identified by their slightly wider pointed ears and brown eyes. Originating from Striyuna, Biocurus also have significantly heightened senses compared to their Urian bretheren. They are also the most common species of Urian.


Nyxurus existed almost exclusively underground in the Reacian cave systems for hundreds of years, resulting in pale skin, light colored eyes, and slightly shorter pointed ears. They lived in harmony with the Osirant, at odds with the other two Urian species, and are commonly associated with the dark or being nocturnal.


The Wildling category is more varied than that of other Humanoid subspecies, including three species that, while they look nothing alike, share a similar lineage. The Wildling originate from the smaller countries on the Eastern Continent, making their home in the tiny corners of the world.


The Brochidae often have Viscan upper halves and the lower half of a goat or sheep, with furred legs, hooves, and horns growing from their head. They hail from Croyla, and are often sorted into the Bestial category by those who do not respect other species.


Originating in Datrar, the Adae have lithe forms with blue or green skin and hair. Their eyes match their realm of power, be it rivers, trees, or stones. They are able to work closely with nature, and some can even become the elements they work with.


The Vacinae are a tiny species, some of them born with wings, and all born with an innate magical ability. Originally from Oshor, the Vacinae have built huge cave systems beneath the country in a massive interconnected city.


The Ropus are half the size of most humanoids, with pointed ears like Urians. Originating in Everia, they have innate magical ability that is much stronger than the Vacinae, making them the most magical species on Visctheria.


Another half-size species, Moralians have rounded ears like Viscans, and originate in Reacia. They are actually the only species on Visctheria who has never enslaved another species, for any purpose.


Loxmian are natural born warriors, easily picking up skills in childhood others would take years to learn. Their green skin, large teeth, and sturdy builds no longer blend with the culture of their ancestral home in the Meskaovanian Colonies, forcing them to move elsewhere in the world over centuries.


Shorter than most humanoids but taller than the Moralian and Ropus, the Osirant have rounded ears and bushy beards. Originating from the caves under Reacia that eventually flooded when the continent split, the Osirant are able to use a form of sonar to find crystals and valuable minerals. Learned from an ancient magic from a Knowledge Prismatic, this ability has helped them move countries forward.



Towering above the rest at around twelve feet tall, the Irolian originated in Priquish. They also originally uncovered what came to be known as Irolian Steel in the high mountains, turning the metal into mechanical monstrosities.


Slightly smaller than the Irolians at around eight feet tall, the Irolucians differ from their Irolian forefathers with their brighter eyes, shorter stature, and more violent demeanor.


Creatures of rock and stone, the Rampinae are typically composed of crystal flesh, with sparkling round eyes like the Viscans. Originating from the rocky shores and caves of the Visctherian Continent, they survived through the breaking of the world and now inhabit many positions of power, respected for the wealth they naturally produce.


Small and half-size like the Moralians, the Gomian ethnicity is also a cave originator. Now roaming the lands of the Eastern Continent, few other countries respect them as much as the lands of Priquish. Furious inventors and scientists, many Gomian are respected in their field, despite their other reputation as thieves and mischief-makers.


Tall and furred, the Vediver resemble Viscanoid cowfolk, somewhere between Irolianoids and Bestials. While some Arcanists sort them into the latter category, most of the Interworld Arcanist Society identifies them as the former. Kind-hearted and caring, the Vediver people are usually very attuned with nature, and do their best to care for the world around them.



Grailae are separated into two categories: Greater and Lesser. The Greater are more closely related to the Visctherian species known as Anduari, an ancient race that once walked the world. The only Visctherian ethnicity that is known to be related to this ancient species, Grailae are often winged and similar in appearance to Viscans.


The Harot are theorized to be descended from the Unfavorable Gods themselves, the only ethnicity thought to be created by the second generation of the Visctherian Pantheon. Arcanists have disproved this theory, but much of Visctheria still holds this rather racist belief.



The catfolk of Visctheria, and first Sapient of the Bestials category, the Latusin are furred and slit-pupiled, allowing for impressive speed and nightvision. Dextrous and dangerous, Latusin make their home in the thick forests and jungles of Visctheria, mostly keeping to themselves.


Birdfolk of all kinds, the Kami call Athos their home for the majority of this Sapient ethnicity. They, like the Grailae, are separated into two categories: prey - known as the Kamiken - and predator - known as the Kamekian.


The Raedamauk are the lizardfolk of the Bestials category, separated into three types of Sapient. They vary in shape and size, as well as what beast they resemble.


The Sapient closest related to the famous Drakes are the Raessae. Originating from only the Xaagi Islands and small country of Fryit Shal, few of the Raessae still exist in the modern day. When the Islands were wiped by the Plague, only Fryit Shal remained as the last Raessaen concentrated civilization.


The Sapients most resembling snakes are the Mauk, long necked and eyes like dark diamonds. Another dangerous Sapient ethnicity, the Mauk usually inhabit underground cities and cave villages, staying quiet and not tolerating outsiders.


The Danesh are closely related to Visctherian turtles, with large shells and leathery skin in varying shades of green. Round, usually hairless heads nod peacefully, another Sapient very close to nature. The Danesh were vastly nomadic during the Deific Age, resulting in a widespread population when the countries of Visctheria formed.

Origin of Species

The creators of the Visctherian Sapients, the Pantheon ruled the world for near five thousand years before the Titans took over.

Myth | Mar 23, 2024

The Enchirydion is the biblical document of Visctheria, recording the writings, teachings, and lives of the Gods in a readable format.

The Enchirydion details the story of how the Visctherian Sapients were created, and how they interacted with their Deities throughout the Deific Age.

Location of Origin

The Continent
Geographic Location | Mar 23, 2024

The landmass of early Visctheria was one continent, unnamed and unreferenced, for it was all the mortals of Visctheria knew.

The countries of Visctheria were not always what they are now, and did not exist at all in the early Deific Age. There was merely one Continent, that eventually shattered during the War of the Gods, and became the many countries that exist today.

Heroic Age Map

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney


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