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Beowulf Ivy

Beowulf Ivy (a.k.a. Prince of Excess)

Beowulf Ivy is a male drow and the owner of The Undercroft, a popular brothel in Port Aero. He is also the leader of the violent gang known as The Onyx Fangs. He is renowned for his slow and methodical speech pattern as well as his charisma, but very little is known about his backround other than that he was once a slave to Lolth worshipping Drow in the underdark before escaping.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Beowulf Ivy is a man of perserverience and has rose from the lowest lows in the slave pits of The Court of Webs  to ruling his own influential crime family. He has done this through force of will and his incredible intellect which he has spent years honing. Among his greatest accomplishments was securing his families safety from the cities law through the cunning use of blackmail of one of The Grand Entante's members.

Failures & Embarrassments

His failures are not knwon to anyone still breathing.

Personality Characteristics


Beowulf Ivy rose from slavery to being an important figurehead in the underworld of Port Aero and his goals are simple. Ivy seeks to further his position in the totem pole and is willing to go to extreme measures to further his influence so that he may prove that he is more than the urchin he once was.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Pretty Women/Men
  • Confident Speakers
  • Tieflings
  • High Elves
  • Golden Boars
  • Ugly Things

Virtues & Personality perks

Though Ivy is a ruthless man he is very caring for those close to him and in his gang as most of his gang members are offspring of his. He will go to great lengths to make sure they are happy and comfortable and genuinely cares for them. He is also not keen on meaningless slaughter, but that doesnt mean he is above murdering innocents if it furthers his goals.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ivy is a ruthless man willing to do anything to further his position. He blackmails, murders and huiliates his enemies. On the personal level Ivy is a blatant alcoholic and sex addict and has many wives, husbands and children.

Personality Quirks

Ivy is prone to fits of unbridled rage because of his years as a slave and when they occur his carnage can lead to a veyr painful death, but this is rare as he manages to keep it under control.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Long White and Partially Parted on the Left Side
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Infernal
  • Thieves Cant
Ruled Locations