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Port Aero

Port Aero is the largest port in the known world, home to merchants, criminals, and races of all kinds. It stands on its own feet as a city state ruled by the founder of The Marius Concord's family. It is a free port welcoming ships from all continents, races, religions, backrounds and professions and this unparalelled freedom has allowed it to flourish, but also lets corruption seep in. Though the mighty Infernal Watch keep watch over its docks sometimes criminals get in and from the inside form powerful organizations which hold great influence from within the city. Despite this the city is a marvel to behold and a great stop for many an adventurer.


The city of Port Aero is made up of a wide variety of people from poor to wealthy and races ranging from humans to goblins. The wealthy make up a smaller portion of the population as many find themselves on the streets of the city after a failed mercantile career, but many bounce back from hard times. Humans make up a little under half of the population with the rest being made up of almost every other race in existence and its rare to see so many gathered on one location. The city is populated by a vast amoutn of merchants and business owners which gives it a wide variety of shops to explore.


Port Aero is separated into 4 distinct districts each with their own purpose and location. Each of the districts gets their names from famous heroes from The War of the Hoof and each contains a central plaza with a statue erected in their honor. Each of these districts makes up rough 1/3 of the city each taking up a portion in the cities triangle shape with the 4th being located in the center. The three districts are as follows.
  • Valzeer Wharf aka The Wharf is the district located on the waterfront of the city. This district looks to be a huge dockfront that stretches from each city wall bordering the sea and behind the mass of docks is packed two story houses made of stone topped with wood. Running along the docks and through the center of the district is a massive street that leads both to this districts center and to the center of the city itself. This street is separated by bridges that provide a way to jump across the massive stream that leads into the central district from the sea and from this main road splits many sub-roads, small alleys ways and sewers making it a winding web to traverse should you stray from the main road. Within the Valzeer Wharf things are a bit rougher as its home to most of the lower to mid class folks and takes in many sailors from the sea making it a dangerous place to those not on their guard. Its in this district you'll find a menagerie of dive bars, cheap brothels and most of the cities organized crime. 
  • Xander Square is the district located in the center portion of the cities triangle and home to two of the cities main gates. Xander Square is a large district, technically the largest of the three and has the widest streets in order to accomodate the massive amount fo traffice it gets. Within this district you will find massive stone apartments and houses as well as most of the cities businesses. This districts central circle surrounds the massive keep erected in the center of the city and acts as a huge plaza for business to be conducted. This central plaza surrounds a huge mote of water that separates it from the keep in the center.  Its from this central plaza that all the four main roads of the city stretch out leading to the Valzeer Wharf, Each gate on the east and west side as well as to the entrance to Aralia Row. Within this district you will find merchants, thieves and beggars and whether it be through a sly tongue or a swift hand you're sure to lose some coin.
  • Aralia Row is the district located on top of the cities triangle and is gated off from the other districts. This district is made up of large estates, large parks, gardens, ponds and fancy penthouse buildings as well as the most famous theatre in the world the Trinity Theatre. Gated off from the rest of the city, this district contains the wealthy and the second highest concentration of guards. Its plaza is surrounded a massive park with beautiful exotic trees, shrubs and flowers as well a variety of widlife and ponds. If you can afford it this district offers the like of luxury, though good luck getting through the gate.

Guilds and Factions

Points of interest

  • The Golden Goblin
  • The Undercroft
  • Artemis Estate
  • The Mad Trapper Emporium
  • The Trinity
  • Chevalier's
  • Swordstock
  • The Sword in the Stone
  • Tempest's and Tonics
  • The Jewel's Jewel
  • Flinder's Fancies
  • The Hoard
  • Gurts Bigest Sowrds and Stuf
  • The Nest 
  • The city also contains 3 central plazas spread throughout the city in each primary district.      
    • Valzeer Plaza is located in the center of the Valzeer Wharf on the edge of the waterfront area. Its a large square with many peddlers and various small stands of mostly fish and other things from the sea, but notably has the Golden Goblin tavern/inn on the corner overlooking the sea and it stands as a warm welcome to weary sailors. Another ntoable feautre is a large statue of the war hero known as Valzeer who has a statue of his likeness which appeares to be a tiefling in leather armor holding a cutlass triumphantly pointing forward.
    • Xander Square is located in the center of the city surrounding Chateau de Flores. Its the largest plaza in the city and is a wide open circle containing fountains and fine whitestone pavement. On the edges lie a myriad of various stands and shops and in the center lies the large moat formed by the canal that leads here. Where the canal meets the moat there is also a large statue of a tiefling male holding a staff and a tome and this depicts the mage Xander another hero from the war.
    • Aralia's Garden is the central plaza of the Aralia Row district. This plaza is a small stone circle, but is surrounded by a vast park filled with trees, wildlife, flowers and ponds. Its the quietest part of the city and no building are seen in a wide radius as this area has been reserved for nature.


    Port Aero is located next to the coastline known as The Jewel. It is situated along the beach and stretches into the plains behind it. The surrounding area is mostly flat with spread out trees, the nearest forest is a days travel away. The sea its located next to drains into a canal built into the city and wraps around the central keep.
    Large city
    Location under
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location