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Huang Boar

Huang Boar (a.k.a. The Red Fury)

Huang Boar is the owner of the Golden Goblin and the Golden Boars gang. He is known to be an honorable man to a fault, but that doesnt mean he is above ruthless tactics when it comes to achieving his goals. Before his life as a gang leader its rumoured he was a hobgoblin general for the infamous horde known as the Luu Horde, but that time has passed.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Huang Boar and his Golden Boars are a very successful gang managing to scare the law into laying off their activities which primarily involve smuggling materials, runnign a protection racket, and selling illegal magic items.

Failures & Embarrassments

Huang Boar's greatest failure was letting one of his daughters get too close to the Onyx Fangs which ended up with her turning traitor after she fell in love with one of Beowulf's sons starting a huge gang war.

Personality Characteristics


Huang Boar comes from a people who hold honor and combat above all else, so its a bit strange for him to be running a gang that flies beneath the law. However, unlike other criminals he goes by a code of honor and doesnt kill those who cannot fight back when doing his business. All this is to accomplish his goal of establishing a crime dynasty for his future generations to continue. Recently he also has the goal to bring down the Onyx Fangs and especially Beowulf Ivy who he thinks has personally wronged him.

Likes & Dislikes

Huang likes:
  • Good fighters
  • Honorable people
  • Respectful people

Virtues & Personality perks

Huang Dislikes:
  • Liars
  • Dishonorable people
  • Beowulf Ivy

Vices & Personality flaws

Though Huang is an honorable man he is still ruthless to those he believes are ok to kill which to others may seem like hypocracy. His code of honor guides his every move and sometimes can get him and his gang into bad situations, but he continues and sticks to his guns. Huang also has an obsession for new people he meets that they show him the respect and sometimes tribute he deserves.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Long black and usually in a bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations