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Temple of the Fury's Heart

The Temple of the Fury's Heart is a temple located on Crescent Shore which is dedicated to Umberlee. The temple features a large exterior shark mouth entrance. Within the temple there are many traps, flooded rooms, and various different guardians. The temples purpose was for worship and to house one of the pieces to The Beckoner.

Purpose / Function

At the tail end of The Scourge Umberlee realized that The Ruinous Divines were fighting a losing war and so to prepare for this coming loss she created the Three Terrors of the Sea. To control these creatures she forged The Beckoner which posessed to power to bind these creatures to the wielders will and spread its pieces across three temples so that one day a devout worshipper could one day take up the weapon and act on her behalf. This temple is dedicated to the housing and protection of the pommel of The Beckoner as well as the worship of Umberlee.


Since the time of its construction many creatures have moved into the now abandoned temple and some alterations have been made. In the upper levels the Sahuagin on the island have constructed some makeshift barracks as well as areas to breed more of their kin. As you go into the lower levels the temple gets more and more delapidated with the walls being covered in various bits of coral if the room is submerged and various nests of the creatures which have moved in.


The temple was built into the side of an underwater mountain out of a stone material. Over the years since it was built the mountain has partially risen above water. The entrance to the temple is a large shark mouth with a massive grand hall. Inside the temple the walls are adourned with various murals of umberlee and within the deeper levels these murals depict the three terrors. The temple contains a large amount of coral, seaweed and other various sea plants and even when it was newly built sea creatures have freely swam about. The rooms are large and open with many traps. A few rooms do drain acting as air pockets, but all of these have mechanisms to flood.
Founding Date
Parent Location