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The Order Tide

The Order Tide is a powerful pantheon of Deities who originally formed to fight against the Ruinous Divines who threatened to subjagate the entire mortal plane. The Order Tide was formed by Kalos who brought together various deities and powerful entities in order to fight against the encroaching horde. Together the gods in The Order Tide would rally their mortal armies and side by side beat back the tide of ruin taking their place as the primary pantheon of the planet Vitanova.

Mythology & Lore

The Order Tide, while not directly responsible for the creation of Vitanova, were responsible for the saving of it. During The Scourge the fleeing mortals from Faerun were without the power of their gods and were forces to fight the pursuing demonic hordes alone and though they fought valiantly they were outmatched. That is until the two regeant gods of this world, brothers Kalos and Prodotis came to them in their hour of need and reunited them with their gods, bringing their power to the world of Vitanova and pushing back the horde together as The Order Tide. During The Scourge the pantheon was betrayed by one of its leaders, Prodotis and was then mortal injured by his brother Kalos and The Scourge was ended. Now The Order Tide rules from their seat in Paradoxium, granting mortals the power to make sure their world will not face this same violence or ruin ever again.

Divine Origins

The Order Tide's worship picked up the most steam after The Scourge had ended as the common folk believed the gods of The Order Tide to be responsible for their salvation. At the head of these people was The Herald himself who took the role of both the leader and head of religion of the new nation of The Aleanza and most of its teachings come from him. Eventually however the religion was formally organized and now it is overseen by the Archpriest of the Grand Inquisition of Kalos who regulate religion within The Aleanza making sure no gods except for ones within The Order Tide are worshipped. Pyrgos has become the holy city for worshippers as it houses the largest temples and historical signifigance as a bastion that withstood the demonic onslaught for hundreds of years.

Cosmological Views

Vitanova was not created by The Order Tide, but instead was chosen to be their sanctuary against the demonic hordes and though they still threaten to corrupt their homes their gods ahve granted them protection and the tools to fight back the darkness.


Worship of The Order Tide is spread across its member gods and those who worship it may not worship all the gods equally. In general a person would pick their favored god, usually related to their race and worship them for their whole life while respecting the others of the pantheon.


The Arch-Priest and Arch-Templar of the Grand Inquisition of Kalos are the heads of religion of The Order Tide and are responsible for appointing the priesthood. The priesthood itself is split into 2 main groups, them being Templars and Priests. Each have their own unique ranks and duties, but in general Templars are enforcers of the religion responsible for investigating anything that could threaten it and Priests are responsible for spreading it and maintaining the tenants of the gods.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Order Tide is hugely influential in politics within certain nations. For example within The Aleanza the head of the entire country is a religious figure, but within The Kai the religion barely affects the government.

When the world goes dark turn to the rising sun.

Religious, Pantheon
Official State Religion
Notable Members

Articles under The Order Tide