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The Marius Concord

The Marius Concord is a collection of trade cities who decided to secede from The Aleanza in a rebellion known as The War of the Hoof in 223ATB. The rebellion was led by the tiefling Marius, who tired from government persecution and desired religious freedom. After winning their freedom, the independant city-states become one coalition allied together forming a place where all walks of life could seek shelter and attain true freedom. However, this freedom that the Marius Concord totes comes at a cost as the citizens are at the mercy of the powerful merchants and their guilds who run the cities. Despite this the nation has grown in power considerably since the original rebellion and now stands shoulder to shoulder with The Aleanza.


The Marius Concord has a very loose national government with most of its politics being handled on a city by city basis. That being said the nation does have one central figure head which is the Arch Duke/Duchess. This Duchess or Duke is given the city of Port Aero and is responsible for managing the city and the nations foreign affairs. Once every year all the merchant lords of their respective cities will also be called together so that the the Arch Duchy/Duchess may relay their wishes to them for that year and this is what makes them one cohesive nation. However these merchant lords are not forced in any way to carry out her wishes with the only thing stopping them from doing so being a tarnished reputation. As a whole this council of merchant lords and the Arch duke/duchy is refereed to as the Grand Entante.   Each city state within the Marius Concord follows their specfic merchant lord also known as the city's Duke or Duchess. This Duke/Duchess is usually the head of the most powerful merchant guild within the city who took control sometime in the city's past. These rulers have a great deal of influence within the city and oversee the cities group of lawmakers known as the Court of Cassation which makes and enforces the law within a city.


Within the Marius Concord there walks people from all religions, all races and all professions. The nation is a melting pot of different cultures from across the world, but over the years since its formation has carved out its own unique identity. People from The Marius Concord are often polite, charismatic and a desire to pursue their own craft and perfect it. Before the original rebellion native Marians posessed the equivalent of French accents and if enough time is spent in the nation foreigners start to pick this up. Overall the Marius Concord has one of the most varied populations in the world.

Demography and Population

The Marius Concord is a smaller nation which cities are concentrated along its coastline. Most of the population resides within these large freeport cities, trading and perfecting their respective crafts. If you arent in one of the cities, you are likely from a coastal fishing villages, reside in one of the few small dwarf holds in the mountains or in one of the scattered villages throughout their owned territory.


The Marius Concord holds most of its lands south of The Aleanza in the former Aleanzan region known as the Aerolands. This territory is made up of the former House Aero, an old merchant house which were once a great house in The Aleanza.  
Major Cities
  • Port Aero
  • Hagsberg
  • Magbor 
  • Nartes 


The military of the Marius Concord is solely dependant on the respective city state. Each major city within the concord is responsible for raising and maintaining its own military and chooses what to do with it, but are expected to help defend eachother. 
  • Magbor has a small standing army of dwarf clansmen and supplements this with mercenaries hired from across Sanctus.
  • Port Aero has a small elite naval force called The Infernal Watch made up entirely of tieflings, but its main standing army is recruited from mercenary bands.
  • Nartes is entirely made up of mercenaries.
  • Hagsberg has local militias and some mercenaries.


Citizens of the Marius Concord enjoy freedom of religion and as such there is no state religion.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
  • Gold Coins
  • Silver Coins
  • Copper Coins
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations