The Seas Beyond Geographic Location in Vodari | World Anvil
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The Seas Beyond

When mortals die in Vodari, the goddess Mirta escorts their souls to the silent shore. There they await the three ships that can transport them to the Seas Beyond the World, the Vodarian afterlife. The ships arrive on their own schedule. Some souls see a ship as soon as they reach the silent shore; some wait years for their voyage. Each captain demands a different payment for passage aboard their vessel, and it is nearly impossible to stow away.   There is an old sea shanty that tells the story of a mortal hero, a brave privateer who sailed through sea and storm until he reached the Teeth, a circle of rocks shrouded in mist and surrounded by treacherous currents. His ship shattered, cruelly gored by the edges of the Teeth, but he escaped in a lifeboat, and, still living, rowed to the Seas Beyond. He returned to tell the tale but had no map or chart of his voyage, just a pocket full of stories and a memorable song.   Three ships sail from the silent shore to the Seas Beyond. The spirits of the dead pay their coin and board the ship that calls to them, the vessel that mirrors their deeds in life.  

Sunset Maiden

Captained by a cheerful dwarf named Sam Fathom, the Maiden is a brightly painted galleon that ferries souls to a peaceful afterlife in Alcyon. Captain Fathom accepts a shell (the silver coin) as passage, occasionally relenting to accept a fin from the virtuous poor. Souls who come to the silent shore with nothing to pay may be lucky enough to board the Maiden and work for their passage if Captain Fathom likes the looks of them, they patiently listen to his tall tales, and they don’t cough when the clouds of smoke from his thick cigars drift into their faces.

Dead Man’s Vengeance

The dolorous bell of the brigantine known as the Dead Man’s Vengeance causes many a soul to shiver, but the souls of evildoers eagerly pay their crowns to Captain Isht Barassh, a sly-looking sahuagin with a toothy and discerning grin. The Vengeance ferries souls to Bathyal and the great and gloomy city of Mortopolis. Captain Barassh can always use another hand to turn the windlass or pump the bilge, so evil souls can gain passage without paying in coin, but beware, neither the Captain nor his crew believe in sparing the lash.

Maelstrom’s Eye

The Eye is a swift sloop and her captain looks human, or is she dwarfish? Maybe a gnome? Captain Cyria is a voda who changes her appearance on every voyage. To board the ship, a soul must offer up a drop of blood and an oath of loyalty to the Captain. The Eye voyages where fortune leads her - sometimes to Alcyon, sometimes to Bathyal, and sometimes elsewhere. Pay your drop and take your chance.
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