Aubori Confederation Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Aubori Confederation

Aubori is the last major island on the southwest fringes of Vodari, and as such, enjoys a more tropical climate than the islands of its elvish cousins. The steamy, misty jungles of the isle’s southern half give way to a low, gentle-sloping mountain range, followed by deciduous forest to the north. Aubori is bursting with diverse flora and fauna, and the naduri are unparalleled in their knowledge and skill in harvesting every bit of usefulness from every flower, animal, insect and berry on their island. Self-sufficient as they are, the naduri have little need for trade, but they can occasionally be convinced to share some of their unparalleled wood-crafted products with visiting merchants. The rare longbows and arrows of Aubori goldwood are of the highest quality, and fetch incredible prices outside of their native island.  
Life in Aubori is as harmonious as any civilization in Vodari, but even they are not without the occasional conflict. Their tribal society bows to the wisdom of the Council of Elders, led by the High Elder Dara. The Council settles any disputes that the naduri can’t handle on a personal level, and their word is final. Going against the Elders leads to immediate and permanent banishment.

Demography and Population

85,000 (95% elves, 5% others)
Geopolitical, Tribe
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Major Exports
Woodcrafts, Bows and Arrows
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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