Kingdom of Zavros Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Zavros (zahv-rose)

Zavros is a land blasted and broken from decades of internal and external warring, now struggling to hoist itself up by its bloody bootstraps and rebuild. The plains are muddy, the forests are muddy, the rocky highlands are muddy—it seems as if the entire island was coated in mud by the giant paintbrush of some god or other. The temperature here is cooler than surrounding isles, due to the omnipresent haze that hangs over much of the island from decades of war fires, and now from tens of thousands of campfires of displaced citizens and orphans. This island is a favorite of the god Scatho, for obvious reasons.   As far as governance, the current king, Feber Proszt, rules in name only. His coffers have been bled almost dry, his castle and estates fallen into disrepair, his royal court sparsely attended by the dregs of the aristocracy, and perhaps most importantly, his military in tatters. He has no heirs, all killed in the years of warring, and is too old, feeble, and depressed to start fresh with a new wife. The true power now lies with the new royalty: the Syndicates. Four major criminal organizations have emerged from the rubble and smoke to carve out their own piece of Zavros, each with its own strengths to contribute to the rebuilding, all the while vying to come out on top when the dust settles.


Zavros has a monarch, but in practice, the King lacks the funds, authority and military to control his kingdom.   In practice, four Syndicates rule the nation, each vying for power between themselves. Each has a leader that desires dominion over the nation, seeking to end their game with themselves at the top.   Beneath each Syndicate's leader is the many individual members, who form a rough hierarchy generally based on how much authority and power the leader grants them.


Zavros is at the moment a dangerous place to live, and the people reflect that truth. Those who aren't criminals try to avoid being noticed by those who are.    Due to the weakness of the Crown, few in Zavros pay any attention to the monarchy, and instead try to side with whichever syndicate they believe should come out victorious. This can result in fights between rival supporters, gang wars in miniature.   While some take sides, most just want the fighting to stop by any means necessary and don't care who actually wins.

Public Agenda

If Zavros as it exists could be said to have a public agenda, it would simply be to unify the warring nation under a single Syndicate's banner. As it exists, the nation is burning what few resources it has left on fighting over said resources.    The king simply wishes to remain in power, but is as of now a figurehead devoid of true authority. Each Syndicate just wants to have their faction come out on top in the end.


Zavros has very little, due both to its past militarism and the currently rampant organized crime syndicates. It lacks the ability to project force overseas, and it can't even maintain order within its own borders.


Zavros is a very muddy place, with any natural resources hidden beneath the swampy terrain. It's cold, foggy, and generally miserable, leading to the population consisting of those who can't afford to leave and those who see it as a convenient place to hide illicit activity.    Despite having few natural resources to speak of, the nation has been extremely warlike for much of its history. Internal and external struggles have drained the nation's wealth and military might, culminating in the bloodshed of the Colonial Wars.   At the same time, the aristocracy fought amongst itself, resulting in domestic ruin. A few families who sided with the current king remain, but the rest were purged, their lands and property confiscated.   Afterwards, it was nothing but a downward spiral for the nation. The Syndicates, who had been in charge of Zavros' criminal underbelly became the de facto rulers of the nation, each vying to be the one to mold the fallen state in their own image.

Demography and Population

135,000 (40% human, 15% dwarves, 15% elves, 10% halflings, 5% goblinoids, 5% gnomes, 5% tieflings, 5% other)


In Zavros' territorial waters are numerous islands, the largest of which are Razan, Kadu and Dezu.   Zavros only has one colony, Nanti in the Liberty Chain. Due to its lack of natural resources, it was mostly abandoned when Zavros began to decline.


Zavros has very little in the way of a formal military. The few soldiers that remain mostly guard the King.   Each Syndicate expects its members to fight on its behalf (or at least defend themselves). In this way, Each Syndicate has effectively its own private army.   The remnants of Zavros' navy are now little more than pirates plying the waters around the nation in the name of "inspections" and "confiscating contraband". In any case, they do little to protect Zavros' waters.

Technological Level

The nation's general lack of wealth has resulted in slow development of its technology. Few have the resources to simply study, rather than working for their food.   While weapons are common, few have anything more advanced than a crossbow or flintlock, and most have much less than that. Sailing ships are rarely produced in Zavros, and are either purchased or stolen from elsewhere.


Scatho is a popular choice in Zavros, due to his merciless outlook on people in general. Few are optimistic enough to believe that the gods care about the common people anymore.

Agriculture & Industry

Zavros' primary business at the moment is crime, but it does produce some goods. Clay can be mined from certain lakebeds or when dug out from beneath the mud. While it doesn't make great farmland, the stone that makes up much of the island is also quarried and sold.


Few, if any Zavrosians get any kind of education. The Syndicates are more than happy to teach new recruits the arts of their trade, but in general, the literacy rate is lower than nearly anywhere else. Few have the time to spend studying when they may not know where their next meal is coming from.    What few nobles remain that have some wealth will generally try to get their children educated, but this often involves sending them to safer shores.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Zavros at one point minted its own currency, but in the modern day, most coins in circulation are from other nations. Even Xolenian Guild Marks are accepted in some places. In general, though, only hard currency with inherent value as metal is acceptable, as any moneychangers are likely to demand a cut.
Major Exports
Sellswords, clay, stone
Legislative Body
The king would normally have absolute power to establish law, but in its current state, nobody respects its authority.   The Syndicates have their own rules and codes of conduct that are enforced within their territory. Generally, disobeying the Syndicates or interfering with their business is likely to result in retaliation.
Judicial Body
Anyone expecting a trial is likely to be disappointed. "Justice" in Zavros is often swift and brutal.
Executive Body
Each Syndicate employs thugs and hitmen to exert their authority over the common people. Lesser offenses will usually result in simple beatings or property destruction, but examples are often made of those who oppose the Syndicates too strongly.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles

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