Kingdom of Silvari Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Silvari

In addition to being the largest and most populous of the Elvish isles, Silvari is also the most visited. While not the most inviting nation for outsiders, the silvari elves trade extensively with the southern nations, and many non-elven merchants and artisans call Silvari home. The eastern edge of the island terminates in a brilliant white wall of stone several hundred feet high—the famed Enverarri Cliffs. Sailors must pass the southernmost end of the cliffs before they reach the island’s main bay and harbor, and the port city of Esari. While the southern end of the island boasts rolling emerald hill country, the rest of the island is largely covered in the silver trees that give rise to the name of its capital city.   Silvari’s culture and government differ greatly from those of their cousin elves. They exist within a rigid class system, where family ties carry much more weight than individual merits. Their monarch, King Erdi Argentali, inherited the title from his father, and will presumably pass it on to one of his sons. The aristocracy is rife with one-upmanship, corruption and favor exchanges, and secrets are held as a practical currency. The merchant class and military class support the aristocracy, but in recent years, they’ve edged away from remaining so content, and the lower class of common laborers even more so. Winds of change are blowing through the silver trees...

Demography and Population

240,000 (90% elves, 10% others)
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Wine, Tea, Textiles, Jewelry, Musical Instruments
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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