Church of Taeva Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Church of Taeva

Vodari has little use for organized religion, for the most part. People tend to worship what deities fit their needs at the moment, with personal shrines to any that are relevant to their interests.   The exception is the Church of Taeva, which is not only the largest religious order in Vodari, but the state religion of the Theocracy of Taevara.   As Taeva is one of the primary goddesses in Vodarian belief, as well as the deity that oversees law, order, and war, it's no surprise that her church is militant and devoted to fighting evil wherever it exists. Most of the Church's elite forces are holy knights dedicated to Taeva's teachings, shielded by their faith and armed with certainty in their righteousness.   While the Church generally desires to do good in the world, it has something of a narrow view on acceptable behavior. Like Taeva herself, it is largely inflexible and believes itself to have a monopoly on the truth. The law is absolute, and exceptions are uncommon at best.   Worshippers of the Church are not expected to forswear the worship of the other gods in the pantheon, especially the other Creators. However, they are expected to uphold Taeva's ideals above all others.

Divine Origins

The Church of Taeva grew to power roughly 100 years ago, becoming a political power that toppled the existing monarchy.


The Church espouses strict temperance, forbidding anything which could disrupt the social order. Drinking, dancing, and dueling are all forbidden, as is the use of arcane magic.    Law, order, and obedience to the chain of command are all considered virtues. Militant opposition to the forces of chaos and destruction are expected of all followers of the Church.


The Priests of Taeva wear primarily white robes, with red trim along the edges. The sleeves and bottoms are marked with red zig-zags. Headwear is similarly patterned, often consisting of a tall headdress for high priests and simpler caps for normal priests.   Any who shows enough dedication to the faith can become a priest, though they must train under a priest for a period of time until they can properly perform the duties of their office.   A prospective high priest must be nominated by another high priest, then confirmed by two more. The archpriest can also directly confirm a high priest, even without the nomination of other high priests. This is fairly rare, however, usually only reserved for an layperson who has performed a miracle.
Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations

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