Theocracy of Taevara Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Theocracy of Taevara (tay-vuh-ruh)

Over a hundred years ago, Taevara was a monarchy like most of its neighbors. Since then, the Archpriest has taken absolute control over life in the Taevaran Theocracy, enforced by the Knights of Taevara. With the strongest navy and a central location for trade, Taevara has risen to become the most powerful of the southern nations. Taevara wars with pirates, privateers, smugglers, and enemies of the goddess Taeva.   Visitors to the capital should know that using magic (other than divine magic), dancing, drinking, and dueling are all outlawed. As a natural evolution, several dozen subterranean drinking houses have sprung up around the city, giving people a safe place to unwind with ale or wine after a hard day’s work, and dance to the music of minstrels bold enough to play these establishments.   Far from the watch of the Archpriest, separated by the Mother’s Mountains that bisect the island in a north-south line, the city of Westara is lax in enforcing these strict laws. It hosts a thriving black market, making it a major hub for smugglers.


The head of state is the Archpriest, who also serves as the main religious authority for the Church of Taeva. High Priests serve other government and religious functions, as ordered by the Archpriest.   The Knights of Taevara form the primary enforcement arm of the government, both fighting pirates and maintaining order at home. The First Knight is the leader of the order and directly reports to the Archpriest.   Though the Knights often use naval ships, they do not captain them. The navy's leader is the Fleet Admiral, who answers directly to the Archpriest. Individual captains answer to the Admiral.


Taevara believes itself to be a "city on a hill", blessed by the goddess Taeva. The populace are never allowed to forget the teachings of the Church, which commissions large statues and monuments to Taeva and other important religious figures.   Its people are quite zealous in their belief, or at least ensure that none doubt their devotion in public. Most keep to themselves and try to avoid attention, remaining politely aloof to those they're unfamiliar with.   Sin and vice are looked down upon, though more tolerated in outsiders than in locals. Though the Archpriest is unhappy with allowing such things at all, he understands that outsiders bring wealth to Taevara.

Public Agenda

Taevara is militant in its enforcement of morality and piety. The most obvious example is its ongoing war on piracy, deploying ships and soldiers to combat any and all who waylay ships on the high seas.


Taevara is one of the wealthiest of the Southern Nations, due to its central location and powerful navy. It also commands the Knights of Taevara, an elite force of warriors and paladins.


Over a hundred years ago, Taevara was a monarchy like most of its neighbors. Since then, the Archpriest has taken absolute control over life in the Taevaran Theocracy, enforced by the Knights of Taevara.    Taevara had multiple overseas colonies, and as such was involved in the Colonial Wars of the mid-7th century. During the war and afterwards, Taevara was often the target of privateers given letters of marque by other countries of the Southern Nations.   Having had enough, Taevara declared war on all pirates in the late 7th century AG, putting pressure on the other Southern Nations to discontinue the practice of privateering. While this did cut off official funding for the privateer ships, it also put large numbers of trained sailors out of work. Many who were privateers soon turned to outright piracy in order to make a living.

Demography and Population

425,000 (50% human, 25% halflings, 10% elves, 5% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 5% other)


The Theocracy consists of two main islands: Taevara and Haven. Smaller islands exist in its territorial waters, but few can hold more than a fishing village. Crownport and Westara are both located on mainland Taevara, with Haven being to the southeast.   Taevara also lays claim to several islands in the Liberty Chain, including Liberty itself and the island of Prosperi. Liberty broke away during the Colonial Wars, though Prosperi remains under martial law. Taevara refuses to acknowledge Liberty's independence and continues to declare it a wayward colony.


The Taevaran military consists of two main forces: the Knights of Taevara and the Taevaran Navy.    The Knights are the primary military force for land combat and boarding actions, primarily consisting of holy warriors dedicated to the faith. The Knights can conscript regular citizens as soldiers if need be, but this is uncommon outside of wartime.    The Navy is a separate organization, but one that works closely with the Knights. They naturally patrol the waters surrounding the nation and guard shipping routes.

Technological Level

Taevara is at the standard level of technology for most of the Southern Nations. Flintlock firearms are the most advanced weapons in common use, ships are masted and armed with blackpowder cannon.   Due to its focus on faith and piety, the nation makes common use of healing magic. High priests are often mid to high level healers or mages.   Due to religious law, arcane magic is prohibited in Taevara. Mages are not prevented from entering the country, but any use of the arcane arts is forbidden and is considered an aggravating factor if a crime is committed.


As a theocracy, Taevara's state religion is the worship of the goddess Taeva. Worshipping other gods is not forbidden, but Taeva is given preeminence in all religious practice.

Agriculture & Industry

Taevara has a large amount of arable land, and produces a large amount of food and other agricultural products. Fishing and aquaculture are also common. Most smaller communities are entirely dedicated to harvesting the bounty of the seas.


Religious education is considered far more important than traditional education, though all members of the priesthood are taught fundamental topics. Schools are sometimes run by low-ranking priests as a form of charity, which means that even poor children can learn at least how to read and write.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Due to its control of the mining colony of Prosperi, Taevara mints its own coins which are widely circulated. Foreign coins are accepted for the value of the metal, and bank notes from Veraci merchant houses are often used for large purchases. Each major Veraci house maintains a residence in Crownport where their notes can be exchanged for hard currency.
Major Exports
Taevara exports large amounts of agricultural and aquaculture products. It also produces intermediate products based on its raw materials, which it sometimes exports.   The city of Westara also exports plenty of black market goods, which vary depending on supply and demand.
Legislative Body
The Archpriest establishes both secular and religious laws, though generally he will seek the counsel of the High Priests first. There have been cases where the Archpriest has established laws in opposition to the High Priests, however.
Judicial Body
Religious and secular law are intertwined in Taevara, so trying cases is also under the purview of the priesthood. Normal priests will often arbitrate civil disputes and minor criminal matters. However, high priests usually try cases involving murder, blasphemy, or other serious charges. A panel of three priests or high priests presides over most cases.
Executive Body
The Knights of Taevara, led by the First Knight are responsible for executing the law. There are local guards within the city that handle low-level crime, but ultimately the punishment of criminals and the fighting of wars is the Order's responsibility.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Species

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