Taeva Character in Vodari | World Anvil
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Taeva (tay-vuh)

Dark skin kissed golden by the sun, large golden wings folded neatly at her back, the goddess Taeva appears to mortals as a warrior queen, a gilded general. Her eyes command obedience, her voice snaps regiments to attention. Taeva’s followers know that outside the protective aegis of civilization, the world teems with chaos and disorder. Rulers, settlers, city dwellers and soldiers worship her, especially in Taevara, her devoted theocracy.   Taeva thinks of herself as the elder of the two twins. She believes it is her responsibility to teach Vesi how to live an orderly, law-abiding life, because she loves Vesi and wants the best for her. It has not occurred to Taeva that Vesi’s vision of what is best may be different. She can’t understand why Vesi resists her, or why the Dakri rose up to fight the Varu in Vesi’s name.   Taeva has tremendous compassion and empathy for mortals who choose to obey laws, and even for mortals who follow their own moral code when laws are unjust. Mortals pray to her in their darkest times, and she answers with golden light and unwavering truth. Many of her followers are zealots, generations who have honed their devotion to the goddess who sustained their revered ancestors through blood and destruction, preserving their family lines to live in Vodari today.   Devotees of Taeva fight to push back the darkness at any cost, waging war if needed. An army favoured by Taeva may see a huge golden eagle soaring above its ranks, filling each soldier with pride of purpose, giving them strength to win the day. Taeva leads the divine alliance of Creators because she is the best leader among them, the most skilled at protecting the mortals of Vodari from darkness, chaos and uncertainty. Her allies respect her, but mischievous Aerako chafes against her rigid rules, and wild Aubori has a hard time loving her immovable sister.

Divine Domains

Civilization, War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three stacked chevrons of increasing size

Tenets of Faith

  • Community and order are stronger than individuals.
  • Establishing settlements to push back the wild provides safety, and safety is the best way to end suffering.
  • Obedience to the proper chain of command is virtuous.
Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
A classical depiction of Taeva and Vesi, with Tero mediating.

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