Dominion of Arachni Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Dominion of Arachni

Long ago, the lunori were cast out to live in darkness for betraying their elven cousins during the Túraterhat. Arachni, the northernmost of the elven isles, is their home, and they make the other elven people look like galavanting socialites. The lunori generally discourage visitors to their homeland, although they make the rare exception for the right reasons.   Arachni still retains the effects of the Túraterhat, imposed on them long ago. It’s known by many names: “the Night Zone” by the southern islands, “the Shadow Veil” by the north, “the Spider’s Darkness” by the elves to the south, it is a vague, invisible hemisphere that surrounds the entire island. This barrier is invisible from the outside, but unmistakable once you pass through it. Any time of day immediately turns to night. The sun never shines on Arachni. Once inside the barrier, even at the peak of midday, the sky above shows the moon in the sun’s position. The air within the barrier is eerily still, both on water and land.   On the island, dark forests that grow under moonlight cover the north half of the island. The forests are blanketed in massive spider webs whose strands can be as thick as fingers. Aside from the lunori, the dominant life forms on Arachni are the giant spiders, with whom these elves have developed a harmonious coexistence. The elves give gifts to the spiders, treating them with reverence. In return, the spiders allow the lunori to ride them if they need faster transport, and act as a cavalry force to repel those foolish enough to try to invade their island.   Arachni employs an extensive spy network, made up primarily of highly skilled illusionists trained in the arts of subterfuge and assimilation, bringing back regular updates so that Arachni’s preference for isolation doesn’t keep them entirely ignorant of current affairs.

Demography and Population

42,000 (99% elves, 1% other)
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Spies, poison
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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