Empire of Draga Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Empire of Draga

After the Godwar, dragonborn survivors created their own colony, named after their former empire. The fortress-city of Draak is built into the steep cliff sides above the port. In terms of natural resources, the geography of the island is a well-balanced mix of ore-rich mountains, forests, arable plains, and hills for livestock grazing.   There are rumors that dragons live in the mountains of these islands, and that the Draga have built up an army. Since there are few visitors to the island, as the dragonborn aren’t very involved in trade, these rumors are unconfirmed. The few diplomats who do visit the Draga are usually not inclined to make a long trek up into the mountains, and are too “diplomatic” to bring up these rumors in person.

Demography and Population

42,000 (99% dragonborn, 1% others)
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Meat, grain, linen, and wool
Official Languages
Related Species

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