High Thanedom of Morndirn Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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High Thanedom of Morndirn

This island thanedom of the mountain dwarves was first carved out of the tallest mountains in ancient times. Their massive homeland is almost entirely underground. The Morndirn fight in a war for survival at the deepest edge of their empire. All aspects of Morndirn life are rigidly controlled by a council of clan leaders, led by the High Thane. The High Thane is always on the lookout for powerful heroes for hire to fight in the Night War, and pays handsomely.   Most of the volcanoes in the Marradi mountains are “barely awake,” with only the most active spilling magma or belching ash regularly. The dwarves are careful not to mine anywhere near these volcanoes, lest they provide vents into their home tunnel systems and endanger tens of thousands of lives.   The dwarves of Morndirn stand as a vigilant first line of defense against any incursion from the northeast quadrant of Vodari, spanning from Iselaad to Ghak, which the mountain clans refer to as “the monster quarter.” As such, the other islands of the archipelago contribute their fair shares of money, troops, and other logistical support to Morndirn.

Demography and Population

(85% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 5% human, 5% other)
Geopolitical, Lordship
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Major Exports
Ore, precious gems, precious metals
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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