Thanedom of Taggthirn Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Thanedom of Taggthirn

In the destruction of the Godwar, Thirn cities and everything between them washed away. What began as treasure-hunting expeditions by thirn dwarves to find relics and ruins of their homeland evolved into a more ambitious plan. Half a century ago, thirn dwarves from various southern nations grouped up to fund and establish colonies far to the east, in the Marradi Archipelago. They chose Taggthirn, the center of their former thanedom. The colony has quickly grown, and Varrdhal is a busy trade port for the hill dwarves.   Whereas Morndirn is resplendent with the riches of the mountains, Taggthirn is covered from coast to coast in fertile soil, a diverse spread of agricultural species, and abundant ranching of sheep, goats and other livestock. Its ports are full of trade from every island and its shipyards are called the best in Vodari. In the waters surrounding this thanedom, there are still plenty of treasure hunters, who use a combination of Marradihr deep mining tech and magic to explore the countless ruins.

Demography and Population

85,000 (60% dwarves, 15% human, 5% halflings, 5% gnomes, 5% elves, 10% other)
Geopolitical, Lordship
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Major Exports
Meat, grain, wool, coal, ore
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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