Faraway Chain Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Faraway Chain

Far from the populated islands to the west, the Chain is known for its sandy white shores. The islands are found at a trade crossroads between the Marradi Archipelago and the southern nations. The islands were colonized by Veraci merchant houses to capitalize on their important location on eastern trade routes and ideal climate for plantations.    Faraway is the main island in this chain, and the town of Sandport is an important trade hub. Artisanal glasswares and stained glass windows from Sandport are all the rage among the nobility and the wealthy. The other four largest islands in the chain are named after the most powerful Veraci merchant houses. The island chain is generally well-administered, rife with colonists who are happy to get rich by keeping strong ties to Veraci and its powerful merchant houses.   In addition to glassblowing, the Faraway Chain is known for one other unique export: a delicious fruit called the dragon pear, which only grows here.

Demography and Population

36,000 (50% humans, 25% dwarves, 10% halflings, 5% gnomes, 5% elves, 5% other)
Geopolitical, Colony
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Major Exports
Glassware, meat, produce, grain, tea, timber
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations

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