Kingdom of Arushi Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Arushi (ah-ru-she)

Arushi is a land of dichotomy: their two major cities, Arula and Meri, exhibit some of the most beautiful, highly developed feats of civil engineering and artistic expression in Vodari—and they also host some of the dirtiest, poorest slums in the realm. Visitors come directly from the seas to dock in the cities, enjoying the heights of wealth and culture, and are largely unaware of just how wild and untamed the rest of the island is around those two pockets of civilization.    Arushi is an absolute monarchy, and King Felix III treats wealthy or useful visitors better than he treats the lower class of his own people. He chooses to turn a blind eye to their poverty so that he may live a carefree existence on their bent backs. He and his wife, Amarie, keep their children as ignorant of the extreme class division as they can, but the older ones are beginning to pick up on it.    Religions in Arushi are very diverse. In the capital city of Arula, the nobility worship Fortana, thanking her for their good fortune, or at least paying lip service. Among the commoners, worship usually varies by profession. With the amount of farming done on the island, Tero and Toamna are favorites of the masses. Craftspeople worship Sindri, fishers pray to Okeano, street toughs pay respect to Scatho, and so on. In Meri, worship varies according to craft: Aerako for musicians, Sindri for visual artists and crafters, Fortana for actors, Dokahi for poets, Istoro for authors, and Okeano for dancers.


As an absolute monarch, the reigning king possesses direct control over all aspects of Arushian life. His word is law. His nobles administrate their fiefs in exchange for military service and taxes.   The king cannot handle all things directly, so he appoints advisors to his council, typically nobles who have proven themselves useful to him.   His generals and admirals handle military affairs on his behalf, but the king directly commands the Musketeers, maintaining them as a separate force from the larger Arushian military.


In the capital of Arula, the divide between the nobility and the common people is easily visible. For those able to ignore the beggars and slums, Arula has some of the most lavish, trendy (and expensive) salons, tea rooms, restaurants, and apartments in Vodari. Many leaders of other island nations keep a residence in this city for use during diplomatic visits or vacations.    The nobility attempts to ignore the commoners' plight as much as possible, preferring to curry favor with any above them so as to influence the King's decisions. Most are concerned primarily with preserving or advancing their own position. Order is barely maintained through shows of military force, but the economic disparity continues to drive the common people to desire freedom from oppression.   On the other side of the island, in Meri, the arts are far more important than political squabbles. The aristocracy exists, but there is far less of a gap due to the artists making up most of the lower and middle classes. Most who are not artists are in some way employed by the artists.

Public Agenda

The King's primary goal is to maintain power and his way of life, by any means necessary. This often involves brutally repressing rebellion. He wants to ensure that his dynasty will reign for as long as possible.    The nobles are primarily concerned with their own wealth and prestige, and either preserving or increasing both. They desire to whisper in the King's ear to make decisions favorable to them.   The common people wish to overthrow the oppressive monarchy, likely with bloody results for the noble class. Though some still desire a simple redistribution of wealth, many have been hardened by the long fight for freedom, and revenge is on the mind of quite a few rebels.


Arushi is quite wealthy, though much of that wealth is concentrated in the upper classes. The capital of Arula is a fortress in and of itself, with concentric walls that protect the royal palace.   The Musketeers serve the crown as a private elite force, separate from the larger army. They guard the life of the king and his family, and proactively seek out threats to his position.


Arushi was involved in the Colonial Wars, gaining and losing several overseas settlements. It also participated in the practice of using privateers during the wars and the period afterwards, until Taevara issued its declaration.   Due in part to the military expenses and the general apathy of the crown towards the commoners' plight, the country has experienced several popular uprisings, though none have succeeded yet.

Demography and Population

310,000 (40% human, 20% halflings, 15% elves, 10% dwarves, 5% gnomes, 10% other)


Arushi is mostly a single landmass, with a handful of small islands in its territorial waters. Its largest cities are Arula and Meri.   Arushi holds two islands in the Liberty Chain as colonies. Aru is directly controlled by wealthy Arushians who own the many coffee plantations. Ethri is primarily used as a dumping ground for criminals and malcontents, with the homeland only maintaining light control through the local governor.


Arushi's military strength primarily depends on the noble class, as one of their responsibilities is contributing soldiers in times of war. If called upon, all able-bodied commoners are required to serve their noble lords.   The Musketeers are the most elite fighting force in Arushi, though they exist outside of the normal chain of command. Their recruitment is primarily based on skill and devotion to the crown, rather than blood. They directly guard the crown and serve as its private army.   Most of the navy is controlled by the crown, rather than individual nobles. While all coastal nobles maintain enough ships to protect their harbors, only the capital has enough naval power to be projected overseas.

Technological Level

Arushi is fairly average in technological advancement. Firearms are common, though restricted to the military and nobility. Ships use sails and cannon.    Arcane magic is not widely studied, but is not forbidden, and some powerful mages choose to serve nobles in order to gain wealth and access to resources. Like weapons, arcane magic is intentionally kept out of the hands of the commoners.   As it is not particularly dedicated to a single god, divine magic is about as common in Arushi as anywhere else. Temples to the major deities can be found within the cities, and minor shrines elsewhere.


Arushi lacks a true state religion, and generally worship is divided by social and economic class.    The nobility of Arula typically worship Fortana for good luck in economic pursuits. Commoners typically worship the deity most associated with their profession; Tero and Toamna are favorites of farmers, craftspeople worship Sindri, fishers pray to Okeano, etc.   In Meri, worship varies by the artist. Aerako for musicians, Sindri for visual artists and crafters, Fortana for actors, Dohaki for poets, Istoro for authors, and Okeano for dancers.

Agriculture & Industry

Arula produces intermediate and finished goods, such as parchment, wine, and luxury goods. Meri primarily produces artistic supplies and products.   Outside of the two population centers, much of the land is either wild or farmland. Hunters ply the woods for exotic meats and other natural products, and farmers produce agricultural goods.


Education is almost exclusively restricted to the wealthy. Few commoners are taught more than is needed to work. Underground schools exist, often run by those who wish to spread rebellious ideas along with the standard curriculum.    Meri is a center of artistic education, and most people aspire to study under the great artists of their time. This rarely includes any studies of topics outside of learning their craft, but it is far more likely for a west coast Arushian commoner to be literate.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Arushi mints its own coins, using the standard values set by the Veraci merchant houses. Coins from other Southern Nations using the same standard are also accepted.
Major Exports
Fine artists, artistic supplies & products, high-end parchment, wine, exotic meat
Legislative Body
As the absolute monarch of Arushi, the King is the only individual capable of enacting laws. Nobles may institute their own laws, so long as they do not conflict with the King's proclamations.
Judicial Body
The noble in charge of a fief is responsible for the proper dispensing of the law, but will often imbue a magistrate with the authority to act as a judge on their behalf. Said magistrates can be asked to arbitrate civil matters.
Executive Body
City and town guards are responsible for handling most crime, but crimes against the state are normally investigated by the Musketeers, who have direct orders from the King to prevent rebellion.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species

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