Kingdom of Veraci Organization in Vodari | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Veraci (vair-ah-chi)

Veraci is one of the biggest hubs of commerce in Vodari, where powerful merchant houses constantly vie for influence and control over anything of value. These merchant houses, not the government, are the real power in Veraci. There are over twenty merchant houses, but the four most powerful are a force to be reckoned with. Each of the four is wealthy enough to afford its own private army, navy, spy network, and trading company fleet. Members of merchant houses, great or small, are expected to dedicate their lives to expanding the influence and power of their house.    The ideal, moderate climate of Veraci attracts many of the rich and powerful here to build their palatial homes. The houses of Veraci, especially in the capital city of Vardi, are the stuff of dreams. When young commoners dream of getting their big chance to make their fortune, they often include the words, “…and get myself one of those big, fancy Veraci palaces…” It is the gold standard for luxurious living in Vodari.


The Queen is the head of state, though in reality, the Merchant Houses of Veraci hold the actual political power. She has a small personal guard that serves her directly, but it rarely acts outside of policing the lower classes. She allows the Houses to settle disputes between themselves.   Though not granted land by the crown, the Houses are effectively the nobility of Veraci, and hold similar roles and responsibilities. They raise armies, conduct trade, collect taxes, etc.   Each House is a family, tied by blood or adoption. Promising individuals are invited to marry into or be adopted by a house, though most who work for a house are simple employees rather than full members. All who serve a house hope to one day prove themselves worthy of being brought into the family.


The people of Veraci know where the true power lies, and hold dreams of becoming wealthy themselves. Coin is the ever-present motivator of most people in the city, for with wealth comes power, comfort, and safety.    Most people either try to curry favor with one of the houses or stay beneath the notice of all of them. Making enemies of a Merchant House without having one to protect you is an unfortunate position to be in.   For the members of the Houses, expanding their influence is the primary goal. Obtaining new markets, finding new sources of goods, developing new products; it's an eternal race to outpace their competitors in the ring of finance. House merchants see the world in a very cutthroat way, judging everyone not of their House based on their utility.

Public Agenda

Fundamentally, Veraci's merchants are after money. Wealth for themselves, for their House, for their nation. A House member who doesn't increase the wealth of their House is unlikely to see advancement through the ranks.   They also focus more than most nations on combatting piracy, due to the country's dependence on trade. Veraci ships are often targeted due to the near-certainty of wealth aboard.


Veraci has likely the largest number of merchant ships in all of Vodari, which can be found in every harbor in the Southern Nations and beyond.    Each Merchant House maintains their own holdings, with larger ones having private armies. Most have offices overseas in the capitals of other nations, so as to give traveling House merchants a place to stay or do business in confidence.


Veraci has been a Kingdom since it was founded, though its temperate climate and location resulted in a strong merchant class. Over time, the wealth of these merchants grew to eclipse that of the actual crown, and their influence supplanted the government's.   They claimed the Faraway Chain in its entirety, gaining valuable overseas colonies that they hold to this day, even maintaining control during the Colonial Wars. Perhaps it was due to the geographical proximity of Veraci, being the easternmost of the Southern Nations.   Veraci followed suit when Taevara declared war on piracy, at least publicly ending its use of privateers. Of course, some claim that Veraci bribes pirates to focus on the shipping vessels of other nations, which they of course deny.

Demography and Population

320,000 (50% human, 20% dwarves, 10% elves, 5% halflings, 5% gnomes, 10% other)


Veraci is one of the smaller Southern Nations, with a handful of surrounding islands in their territorial waters.   The entirety of the Faraway Chain is a Veraci colony, ruled from the capital of Sandport.


The Queen of Veraci has little in the way of a standing army, and almost no way to project force. The Merchant Houses instead fill this role, with the four largest ones having standing armies of their own. Many of their merchant ships can also be used for war, though each House also maintains some warships.

Technological Level

Veraci depends largely on purchasing technology from other nations, such as Xolen. However, their knowledge of economic theory is second to none, and each Merchant House keeps an eye out for anything that might give them an edge. In general, they allow other nations to perform the research and development, then purchase the finished product. As such, Veraci has a technology level that's slightly above other nations, but the most advanced secrets aren't for sale.


If Veraci could be said to have a state religion, it would be the worship of the Almighty Coin. Fortana and Scatho have equal sway and are sometimes honored with revelry and song.

Agriculture & Industry

Much of Veraci's economy is trade-focused. While the rural areas of the island do produce agricultural products, the Merchant Houses primarily make their wealth by buying and selling products produced elsewhere.


Like most everywhere in the Southern Nations, children are often given a basic education by priests of Istoro. Those born or brought into a Merchant House are given a first-class education, taught everything that might give them an edge in the economic arena.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Each Merchant House issues its own coins, but the weights of said coins are standardized by the banking house of Knott and Timbers.   Veraci sets the currency standard across the waves, as their coins can be found in ports throughout Vodari. Most nations use the same weights for their coinage as Veraci in order to simplify trade.
Major Exports
Textiles, art, luxury beverages, magical creatures, and many other things
Legislative Body
The Queen establishes the laws, but she does little without the approval of the Merchant Houses. In effect, the laws are written by them.
Judicial Body
The Queen appoints judges to the cities across the Kingdom, but the cases they try are generally only those that involve the common folk. Disputes between Houses that don't involve violence are generally settled by impartial arbitration agreed upon by the parties involved.
Executive Body
The Queen has a guard force that pursues criminals, but this generally only includes the lower classes who don't belong to a House. The Houses will generally take care of their own problems.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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