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Dragons in Vorgao

There is a wide diversity of dragons on Vorago, but not a very high density. While a dragon could conceivably be of any attitude and relation to civilization, the majority fall into one of the following categories:
  *Integrated Good Dragons* Good-aligned dragons (mostly metallic) who have fully or mostly integrated with a humanoid society. Often they are in high-ranking positions in powerful organizations, or have some rank earning them regular tithes. The guild master of the Dragon Slayers is an ancient silver dragon, for example, and a copper dragon was the chairman of the Magocratos for many years. Many serve as special military units.
  *Independent dragons* Isolationist dragons of any alignment. These can range from malicious white dragons living in an iceberg cave to an ancient gold dragon on a mountain who takes on a single scholarly pupil every 100 years. They protect something precious, like a hoard or important location.
  *Cobalt Coalition Dragons* Dragons who are part of the tyrannical desert nation. Definitely not good, but not so overpoweringly greedy or violent that they cannot cooperate with other dragons. 90% are blue dragons, but there are a few noteworthy non-blues.
Genetic Descendants
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