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The fallen capitol of the once-great Magocratos, Farsight was partially destroyed during the Brothers' War, but has been rebuilt.


Farsight is very diverse, but is majority Cratic ethnicity. Humans are the plurality species, but Dwarves, Halflings, and Elves are all quite common. Uncommon Races are more prevalent here than elsewhere, because they can form homogenous communities.


Farsight is ruled by the Farsire senate, who make the major decisions. Key members also hold the equivalent of cabinet offices such as surgeon general, attourney general, etc. A variety of public departments organize public services like justice, education, and policing, but many services are organized by private guilds, trade especially.


Farsight maintains a strong magical and mundane navy which controls the north-western seas of Vorago and discourages piracy.   Terrestrially, much of Farsight's army was broken and dispersed through the Brothers' War and the Destabilization, so it cannot reliably control territory beyond its peninsula, although it maintains economic hegemony. The Farsires maintain order through the City Watch, who are commanded by the Mage Guard.   Farsight has walls around the oldest parts of the city (mostly the Center and Harbor), but has grown well beyond them.


Frasight used to have the most advanced magical infrastructure on the planet, but most of it was destroyed in the Brothers' War. There are still functioning sewers and a massive harbor, but many of the physically-impossible megastructures such as the former Grand University have collapsed. In general, anything that requires expensive and delicate infrastructure is still available, but not longer at mass-manufacturing scale.


Harbor District: A massive harbor with dozens of ships departing and entering every day. The naval harbor is separate and protected, like in Carthage irl. The harbor district has tenement houses for harbor workers, seedy dives, and a large administrative center.   Patchwork District: The Patchwork Plaza was expanded into a full temple district hundreds of years ago. Almost all major deities have large permanent temples, while more minor ones have house-sized ones. Petitioners and cultists run pop-up stands, and the homeless often sleep in abandoned temples. Generally the quietest district.   The Grand Market: While smaller farmers markets exist elsewhere, the Grand Market is where the real commerce happens. It is divided into different segments, such as the craftwork block, the mage ring, and the Pit (a lowered roundabout filled with completely unregulated pop-up stalls). More expensive or dangerous products (magical arms, for instance) are not housed here, but their distributors usually still have their offices in the district. If it isn't sold here, it (probably) isn't sold anywhere in the west.   Residential Neighborhoods: While many citizens live mixed in with the other districts, especially if they work there, the majority still live in residential neighborhoods. Typically further from the city center, they may range from collections of cheap flophouses to Beverly-Hills mansions. Some other businesses like restaurants, public schools, and courier centers also pepper these areas.   The City Center: Centralized during the golden age, the city center mostly consists of the core government buildings, most notably the Farsire Senate building, the City Watch building, and the foreign embassies.   The Wisdom District: This district contains the magic and mundane universities, libraries, and academies of Farsight. Most of the facilities in this district are fairly new (see why below), and it's on the edge of the city.   The Ruins District: When the Grand University fell from the sky during The Destabilization, it destroyed a whole neighborhood with it. Because of the magical hazard it poses, it still hasn't been cleaned up, and adevnturers regularly venture into it in search of loot, effectively becoming an urban dungeon!




Farsight goes through normal temperate seasons similar to New England; rainy springs, pleasant summers, colorful falls, and cold snowy winters.
Founding Date
Large city
2.2 Million
Ruling/Owning Rank

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