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The first large-scale airship on Vorago, and one of the only still in continuous use after The Destabilization, Possbility doubles as the premier (though not the largest) temple to various sky and wind deities, and is captained by the most senior of those high priests. Roughly in the shape of a modern super-yacht but highly ornamented, the Possibility is an independent entity entirely under the control of Captain Skyeyes Vandross. It usually circulates the world on pilgrimages, but also frequently operates as a transport for the Dragon Slayers Guild, volunteers to transport refugees, or even supports adventurers who charm the captain.

Power Generation

Possbility's wind power comes from a large temple to the wind and sky domain (shared by whichever set of those gods has power at the moment). So long as it remains stocked with incense, offered daily prayers and offerings, and the priceless relics remain in their reliquaries, Possibility will have extremely favorable winds. When in motion, wind flows around most of the ship (so it's not extremely cold or windy on the deck), but wind is also funneled through the temple's roof on the upper levels at extreme speeds.


The captain-priest generates the wind power through the temple, while crew members adjust the size and position of multiple massive, near-invisible spider-silk sails projecting off the front, top, and sides of the ship like parachutes. These sails were created by Lolth as a boon to the original captain and builder of the Possibility, Helerel Longbeard, and have never needed repairs.

Weapons & Armament

The Possibility has only two large ballistae on the front-sides, and one on the back. The majority of its firepower comes from the captain, a very high-ranking cleric.

Armor and defense

The Possibility has a wind-shield around it while moving, which often deflects or lightens the impact of projectiles. It has very little actual armor.
Old Possy
Creation Date
Owning Organization
Current location
Max 45mph
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity


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