Treaty of Worlds #XIV Document in Vreathe | World Anvil
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Treaty of Worlds #XIV

Article Contents

"This treaty is nothing more than a non-aggression pact between our worlds. Basically, if you don't fight us, we won't fight you. We will also promise to never cross between the two worlds if you don't do such a thing either. What say you, God Beirunes, Lord of Fire? Will you sign the treaty and show you actually mean for there to be peace between worlds?"
Beirunes - small portrait.png
"..... Acceptable."
"Great! Just make your mark here! Err, without burning the paper, and I'll be on my way! You know, I didn't even think you existed until your attendant Ascenda led me here. I thought this was all some kind of joke!"
Beirunes - small portrait.png
"... ..... ... .. ...... ... .... .......... ... .."
"The treaty is signed. you might want to leave now before you anger my god any further. He might just burn the treaty to ash, along with your entire body!"
"R-right then! I'm leaving now. Thank you for signing. We look forward to never working with you again! Enjoy your moon I suppose."

A Treaty of Worlds is a document created by the Knight Council, and is signed by the current ruling leaders of Vreathe and the leaders of another given world. The purpose behind these treaties is to prevent incursions and wars and prevent the people of one planet taking advantage of the people of another.

The Knight Council is well aware that while the people of Vreathe no longer has Gods ruling over them, thanks to the Barrier created by Saint Nora, most other worlds are in fact still ruled by one or more gods. The people of these worlds are usually Elves and are often corrupted with Aether. They are far more powerful than the average human.

The first Treaty of Worlds was signed in the year 600 I.A., and was between the world of Vreathe and Lapis Obsidianus. Before this, the Elves of that world broke onto the world of Vreathe by way of portal in Mon Alluth and started rapidly crystalizing the world, terraforming it to their needs. It started a ten year war that caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands. After the Obsidian Elves were forced back through their portals, their king was forced to sign the first treaty. Since the portals couldn't be destroyed, a force of Abyss Knights were placed near the portals to ensure nothing ever crosses through them again.

Year Written: 2761 I.A.
Year signed: 2763 I.A.
Worlds involved: Vreathe and Izi
Number of Signatories: 21

Treaty Terms:
- Peace between Worlds
- Non-Aggression Pact
- No Travel Agreement

- Heat-resistant Drakehide Vellum
- Carbon Ink
- Cedar

This 14th Treaty of Worlds was created after a human team of mages and researchers dived into a Lava Lake at Mount Cendi and ended up on The Moon Izi. The world turned out to be quite unforgiving to life from Vreathe, and when it was discovered that the Great Destroyer, the Fire God Beirunes was still around on that world, the Knight Council knew they had to get a treaty signed or prepare for war.

Fortunately for them, the Elves of Izi turned out to be quite reasonable thanks to their god somehow being peaceful now. The Knight council sent their best negotiator at the time, Miguel Sylvas of Valencia, to negotiate. He disappeared into the lava lake with a force of two dozen knights and returned about two weeks later with the treaty signed, both by the God of Fire himself, as well as three Elven Kings.

After this, the Phoenix Knights were tasked with keeping watch over the lava lake and the portal between the two worlds. Specialized Ice Mages from various orders are also stationed here, ready to freeze the lake solid on a moment's notice if anything is seen crossing over. The only reason they haven't done it already is that will inevitably stir the heat of the planet below and cause a large volcanic eruption. The Knight Council isn't sure if that would destroy the portal or make it larger, so they are saving this tactic as a last resort.

List of Signatures

Leaders of Vreathe (Humans)

  • Aureli Luciana - Archon of the The Church of Saint Nora
  • Seratha Kalbi - Living Avatar of the Moon Goddess
  • Diniarchus Stichus - Bronze King of Irrelith
  • Therison - Bronze King of Milcea
  • Issia Vernador - Queen of Cassel
  • Marcomir Clovis - The 21st King of Rinea
  • Connor Beaumont - King of Yurrimkil
  • Heinrich Kriegerblume - King of Galleska
  • Sigurda - Queen of Pikelandt
  • Damian Serafin - King of Pellensk

  • Leaders of Vreathe (Elves)

  • Alberi Fraye - King of Ledo
  • Tevarine Xera - Queen of Lyonne
  • Evas Aquarius - King of Faeon and Ordland
  • Dominic Ward - Lord of Terrask
  • Miradora II - EverQueen of Mire
  • Neldoran Raskin - King of Neldland
  • Lín Ronisdóttir - Queen of Frozelandt

  • Leaders of Izi

  • Beirunes - The God of fire. Signature written in Auric Hieroglyphs as Beirunes
  • Kishara - Queen of Jirra
  • Samuqan - King of Severkor
  • Tirigan - King of Taranid

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