The Izi Expedition

Article Contents

AUTHOR'S NOTE - This Conflict will evolve as I work my way through Summer Camp because most of the SC articles relate to it in some way.

Abyss Commander Gills
"Look, the fact remains that this was an incursion from another world."
Wolf Commander Herzhelm
"So? It's not our world!"
Abyss Commander Gills
"Do you have any idea how catastrophic this is going to be if--"
Aqua - Portrait.png
Leviathan Commander Aqua
"What? The Fire God? You really think he'll violate the Treaty of Worlds!?!"
Phoenix Commander Moore
"You think a GOD is going to hold himself accountable to our human documents?!?"
Alvin - Portrait.png
Grand Commander Alvin
"Easy there Commanders! We don't need to argue this issue any further. We just need to take a vote over whether we do something."

After a Vote between the Commanders of the Knight Council, the Vote was 8 in favor of investigating the issue and 5 opposed.

Alvin - Portrait.png
Grand Commander Alvin
"And that settles it! Knight Commander Moore, I am leaving this operation to you. Now let us discuss the next issue. The Iruakin are invading the Kingdon of Pellensk in search of the last Golden..."
- Knight Council Meeting of 2990 I.A.

The Izi Expedition was a military operation ordered by the Knight Council due to a potential incursion between worlds. It started when a frozen Fire Elf surfaced at the Lava Lake at Mount Cendi. The Elf was covered in ice, even after swimming in lava and was cold to the touch. The Phoenix Knights investigated, and it was determined that this elf had a new sickness not seen on Vreathe before, which was termed Frostrot. This sickness quickly spread among the Elves and Half-Elves of the Phoenix Knights until an expensive cure was found. Knowing the danger this ice plague would cause if it spread across Vreathe and knowing the consequences on the other side of the Lava Lake, especially if the Fire God Beirunes made a move, the Knight Council ordered an expedition to The Moon Izi to discover the source of this sickness and end it if possible. The Phoenix Knights were placed in charge.
Start Date
September 13th, 2990 I.A.
End Date
Not Known Yet

  • Field CO Renelle Vernador
  • 24 Knights
  • Field CO John Saunders
  • 24 Knights
  • ????
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???

  • Preparation

    Contacting the Orcs for Technology

    The Phoenix Knights knew there would be danger traveling to the other world. The atmosphere was incompatible with human life and swimming through the lava lake to reach the portal is not something many of their knights would be capable of doing without a large investment in aethercite and specialized potions.

    So they contacted the Orcs of Veracrul, and explained the situation to them. The Orcs are very stingy about sharing technology, thinking all other races as below them and not worthy of it. But once they heard it was about the moon Izi, that it was about the Frostrot and that the ice couldn't be melted by normal means, that it might make the Fire God stir and possibly cross over to Vreathe, the Orcs immediately shared plans for several pieces of technology with the knights. They did not help the knights to assemble this technology or offer any guidance beyond the plans.
    "We are not going to entertain the idea of the Great Destroyer coming back to Vreathe. The first thing he will do is head straight to the World Tree and BURN it down, ending all of existence! Whatever you need we will give it to you... within reason.

    We still won't give you access to beam rifles no matter how many times you ask!"

    -Grand Viscout Vitrog


    The first thing the Orcs shared were plans for a spacesuit that could help the wearer survive the unforgiving environment. The armorers and tailors working for the Knight Council had no concept of things like synthetic fibers and polymers. The technology of the plans was beyond them, but they looked at the suit's functions one by one and came up with an alternate solution for all of them.
    Aether Suits
    Technology / Science | Sep 29, 2024

    Special suits created for the expedition to the moon Izi. Reinforced with armor and magic crystals to make up for gaps in technology..


    The ancient Olimians of the SIlver Age had access to instant teleportation technology, using a large stone circle and a range of Aethercite crystals. After the cataclysm the rings fell out of use and sat in place for many thousands of years. The Orcs gave the Knight Council the schematic for the stone circles showing the intricate silver circuitry and crystal batteries, and how to tune the crystals to faraway gates.

    It turns out the aethercite required is quite rare so for now the only gate the Knight Council can get activated is a two way teleporter between Vreathe and Izi.

    An inactive Stone circle, somewhere in Cassel.

    Recruiting Knights for the Expedition

    Commander Moore sent out a missive to every order in Eastern Vreathe, requesting manpower for the expedition. The Order of Leviathan refused to send anyone, though one knight from their order responded anyways. The Order of the Abyss was busy dealing with an incursion somewhere else but they still sent two knights that were experienced with otherworldly incursions.

    Within a week 60 knights from every other order responded, as well as several Elven Wardens, which were an equivalent to the human knights. Concerns arose at first that the Elves wanted to get involved, but the Frost Plague was a condition that mainly affected Elves, and the Wardens that were sent were already 'infected' with a form of Diving Aether, so they would be immune to the Frostrot.

    Moore promoted two of his phoenix knights to field commanders and allowed them to choose their teams. A further 48 knights were chosen for standby, in case something unknightly came through the portal. Most of the knights needed for the expedition arrived at the Phoenix Fort about two weeks before the start date and were measured for their suits.

    They conducted military drills together so they could get to know each other's abilities. Briefings were held to go over the dangers of the Frost Plague, and a lot of was about the Journal of Scholar Caio, a firsthand account of a human expedition to the Moon Izi aaround two centuries ago. They learned about Magma Wolves, Nameless Horrors, and many other dangers of the world. By the end of these two weeks, the knights were all as ready as they were ever going to be. Commander Moore called them all to gather in the Courtyard of the Fort, and gave them one final briefing before they headed out.

    Stepping Foot on Another World

    ((Coming Soon))

    Taking a Dark Citadel for a Base of Operations

    ((Coming Soon))

    Attacked by Magma Wolves

    ((Coming Soon))

    The Elf Girl with Round Ears

    ((Coming Soon))

    The Jirra Caverns

    ((Coming Soon))


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    Aug 19, 2024 19:38

    I like your article's step-by-step approach. My military conflicts are always one big chunk of everything. This method is much more cleaner, nicer, and readable. I hope to continue to read about it in the future!