Averia Paneris

Clan: Tremere   Generation: 8   Sire: Anithea   Childer: Nichole Nolan   Clan Tremere Primogen in Prince Vanessa Coal's court     Biography Averia Paneris was born in Greece in 1822, the daughter of a poor family of farmers. Despite their lack of wealth, her parents valued education and ensured that she received the best schooling possible. Averia was particularly interested in the occult and spent many hours studying ancient texts and practicing rituals in secret.   In 1840, Averia was embraced into the Tremere clan by her sire, a powerful sorceress named Anithea who, on the orders of her own sire, Discorida, told her to embrace Averia. It was Discordia who recognized her potential as a witch. Averia quickly rose through the ranks of the clan, thanks to her innate talent and her tireless work ethic. Over the years, she served as an advisor to several Tremere princes, helping them to secure their positions and expand their influence.   In the early 1900s, Averia traveled to the United States, where she settled in Tri-Island area. There, she quickly established herself as one of the city's most powerful kindred, using her connections and her vast knowledge of the occult to rise to the position of Tremere Primogen under Prince Vanessa Coal.     Appearance   Averia is a middle-aged woman with common Greek features, including dark hair and olive skin. She also has a large nose and is considered attractive. She often wears flowing dresses or similar outfits that show off her cleavage.     Haven & Assets   Her haven is a beautiful villa in the hills outside of the city limits, which is decorated with Greek artifacts and artwork. It is designed to reflect a Grecian villa. She also maintains a haven long distance in Mykonos, Greece which she visits whenever she can.   Averia employs several staff members to assist her in her duties as Tremere Primogen, including a ghoul who serves as her personal assistant and a team of researchers who scour the city for information and artifacts of occult significance.     Modern Nights   In modern nights, Averia continues to serve as the Tremere Primogen of Tri-Island city. She is fiercely protective of her clan and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and success. She also maintains her interest in the occult, spending much of her time researching ancient texts and practicing her craft. She also checks up on her sire Anithea every few weeks or months to chat and make sure that she's staying out of trouble.


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