
Clan: Tremere   Generation: 7   Sire: Discordia   Childer: Averia Paneris     Biography   Anithea is a powerful Elder of Clan Tremere, feared and respected in equal measure. She was embraced in Greece by her own sire Discordia back in the 1500s on the eve of her 17th birthday ater a tragic event that would change her life forever. Anithea was born in a small village in Greece and had a happy childhood until her village was raided and attacked by bandits. During the attack, her family was killed, and she was subjected to multiple violent assaults before being left for dead. She doesn't like talking about this, however.   Anithea was taken in by Discordia, who recognized her potential and embraced her into Clan Tremere. She quickly rose through the ranks and gained a reputation as a powerful and ruthless kindred. Her appearance is deceiving, as she looks like a young woman in her late teens at the oldest, but her age and experience make her an Elder in the eyes of kindred who know of her.   Anithea has always been a wild child, doing whatever she wants whenever she wants to. This has only gotten worse as she has gotten older and more powerful. She enjoys causing chaos and having fun. She has no qualms about using her powers to achieve her goal which is usually either fun or punishment.     Appearance   As Anithea was embraced at a young age, her appearance is deceptively youthful. She has long brunette hair that she wears in many different styles. Her eyes are a light, bright brown. She is on the shorter side at 5'4" and has a slender physique, with a toned build. She is pretty and cute, oftentimes wearing a dark academia themed outfit or a short and revealing preppy uniform whilst in and around campus. At parties she relaxes her style to be more casual but always semi-revealing. Her skin is pale, almost porcelain, and in certain lights her features are sharp and angular.   Despite her somewhat youthful appearance, there is a sense of danger and power about her that cannot be denied.   Haven and Assets   Anithea's current haven and domain is the Brown University campus within the city. She has a car which is staffed by her ghoul who acts as both driver and personal assistant.     Modern Nights   Anithea is a secretive figure, oftentimes concealing her identity from those who don't already know her just for fun.   In modern nights Anithea is an Autarkis. She spends her time attending different schools, cycling every few years, attending events, parties, having fun, and killing child predators. She is visited by her childer Averia Paneris every couple of months to hang out together, catch up, and spend time together. Anithea hates being called a 'sire' and prefers that Averia think of her as a friend, because she considers her a friend. Anithea is fiercely independent and still loathes politics and sects.   She has overheard rumors of The Coterie and has talked a bit with Averia about them. Due to this, she has taken an interest in Matio, Everlast Lacroix, and Core and is keeping an eye on them from a distance. She plans to approach them soon.


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