
Clan: Tremere Generation: 5 (through diablerie) , 6 ( original) Sire: Secret (Meerlinda)   Childer: Anithea and several others     Biography   Discordia was born in the Byzantine Empire in mainland Greece in the early 12th century. Her family was of noble Roman heritage, and she was brought up with a sense of entitlement and privilege. Her sire remains unknown, but she was embraced by another Tremere in her mid twenties. She quickly rose through the ranks of her clan and proved herself to be a powerful and ambitious kindred.   As a Tremere, Discordia is known for her mastery of the Thaumaturgical arts. She has used her powers to great effect in pursuit of her goals. Rumor has it that she has diablerized her way down to the 5th or 6th generation and is considered a Methuselah or Lord by some. She is among the most feared kindred of the Tremere and is respected by her peers for her power and cunning.   Discordia is an Autarkis at heart. She believes in the superiority of the Tremere and is fiercely independent. She has no interest in serving any Prince, Primogen, or Baron, preferring instead to pursue her own interests.   Discordia now resides somewhere in the area of Tri-Island, where she keeps a watchful eye on the events that occur there. She is a powerful and reclusive figure, feared and respected by all who know of her.     Appearance   Discordia is a woman of striking beauty, with breast-length wavy brown hair that cascades down her back like a waterfall. Her full lips are perfectly formed, and her dark brown eyes are deep and alluring. She has a regal bearing that exudes confidence and authority, as if she is descended from some long-forgotten line of royalty.   She possesses a fit, sexy, and athletic physique that is both alluring and intimidating. Her body is toned, a testament to her strength and agility in life. She often wears flowing robes in purple and gold, the colors of royalty, which accentuate her beauty and elegance.   Discordia exudes an aura of regality and self-assuredness, as if she possesses a divine right to rule and exist. She is confident in her beauty which only serves to magnify her already impressive appearance.     Modern Nights   Discordia is interested in creating her own Tremere House consisting of her descendants. She keeps track of them from her hidden haven.


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