Cynthia Lynd

Clan: Toreador   Sire: Charles Castle   Generation: Unknown (10-11 assumed)   Age: 40's   Faction: Anarch     Biography   Cynthia Lynd, supermodel and pop-culture icon turned CEO of her own fashion company. Name a respected magazine or photographer and chances are she's been featured by them. Born in the mid 1980's, Cynthia was one of the most popular and famous models of the late 1990's and early 2000's. She spent her childhood learning about fashion from her mother who was a seamstress and tailor for some of the big designer houses. Cynthia always knew what she wanted to do, and she was good at it. Sometime in 2017 she launched her fashion brand SweetCyn, which instantly became a fan favorite. Her company has scaled massively and quickly due to her connections and wits. She has several kids; all are adults and in school or out traveling. She is also divorced because her ex-husband was too overbearing and controlling. She does a lot of the things she does now to get back at him and prove that she can do whatever she wants because she's Cynthia Lynd.    Appearance   Once a young sex symbol, she's now one of the most successful women in the industry. Still adored and desired by many, Cynthia has not disappointed. If she were an alcohol, she'd be wine because she aged so fine. Coppery red hair and blue eyes that pierce your soul coupled with fine elegance and sensual undertones makes everyone in conversation with her feel like they're the only ones in the room. She prefers to wear fine jewelry and dresses of her own design, showcasing them for her customers and critics alike.     
  Modern Nights   Cynthia was in the VIP section of Fantasia enjoying a drink when asked by management if she'd like to meet some friends of the owner. Intrigued, she followed Moe to a booth accompanied by one man and two other women. Everlast slid into the booth beside her, and they hit it off, talking, flirting, and even laughing at the man in the booth after Matio embarrassed him and had him removed. Everlast suggested they leave the club, and after a brief ride in her Rolls Royce Ghost, they went up to her apartment. After a fun filled tour, at which time Everlast Lacroix ghouled her, they fell asleep. Everlast, however, forgot he was a kindred and was burned by the morning sun coming in through the shades. Cynthia followed him into the closet and after he explained the situation, she very caringly brought him some pillows and blankets so he could sleep until nightfall. Later that night he awoke and gave her his phone number and address. She visited several times whilst Everlast Lacroix was in torpor for two weeks, the ghouls turning her away each time unbeknownst to The Coterie. After two weeks, Cynthia visited again and this time encountered Fisher in the hall who turned her away at first but then on orders of Matio and Everlast let her in. She was introduced to the other ghouls and welcomed to the 'vamily'. It all worked out good in the end. Just ask Everlast.     VTM Chronicle 1.0   Cynthia was invited to the manor where she was to be embraced by Charles Castle. She was embraced and when she woke up Charles was gone.   She has since worked on expanding her business and is doing well for herself.


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