
Clan: Lasombra   Generation: 12   Sire: Alexander Morning   Childer: None     Disciplines     Dominate 3   • Cloud Memory (1)   • Mesmerize (R) (2)   • The Forgetful Mind (R) (3)     Oblivion 1   • Oblivion Sight (1)     Potence 1   • Lethal Body (1)       Equipment & Possessions   • Dual Knives (+2 Damage)   • 12 Silenced Rifles (+3 Damage)   • 6 Kevlar Vests   • 2 Armored Vans with surveillance drones     Biography   Abandoned at birth, Delilah grew up on the dangerous streets of Tri-Island City. One of many individuals seemingly destined for prison or an early death, she learned how to steal, lie, cheat and survive. In her teenage years she started stripping. While she didn't have much success as a dancer, she thrived in 1 on 1 situations with customers, utilizing her persuasion in a more personal setting. One fateful night Delilah was working she encountered a man named Alexander Morning. He paid her well and seemed to enjoy her time, quickly becoming a regular and her best customer. Unbeknownst to Delilah, she became his dark obsession. She began to suspect something was wrong. That cold rainy night as Delilah left the club to head back to her apartment she knew she was being followed. Before she could call for help though he came upon her. Her memories around the incident are hazy, as with most kindred during their embrace. When she awoke he was there to tell her what she was now. He taught her the basics, that she had to drink blood to survive, how she couldn't let anyone know who he was, or what she was now. Soon after, he too abandoned her, leaving her to fend for herself.   Luckily Delilah had one companion in the world, Azrael. He bounced at her club and always looked out for her.   Delilah has since opened her own Strip Club, Delilah's.       Chronicle 2.0   Delilah was approached by Everlast Lacroix, who explained to her what Anarchs are and that he would like to help her if she chose to affiliate with them. Agreeing, she recieved a check for $250,000, and his contact information.   Before he left she was approached by Camarilla agents who wanted to bully her into making a deal with them. Refusing, and resisting their Dominate commands, they left. Later that night her club was attacked by armed individuals in three armored trucks. She, along with Azrael, defended the club. Everlast Lacroix and Core also showed up, assisting in killing the attackers.


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