Alexander Morning

Clan: Lasombra   Generation: 11   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Delilah       Biography   Born into privilege, Alexander was groomed for power from a young age. In his mortal years, he exuded charm and charisma, effortlessly navigating the social circles of the elite. However, beneath his polished exterior lay a dark obsession—an insatiable desire for control and power.   He was embraced sometime in his early 30’s after losing everything. He quickly turned to drugs, violence, scams, and organized crime. A vampire, Alexander now reveled in his newfound power.   A wide-eyed Fledgling Kindred of only a few years, brand new to Tri-Island City, he would frequent a particular strip club. Alexander was drawn to the seedy allure of its dimly lit corners and perfumed air. It was there that he first laid eyes on Delilah, who was known by another name at this time. He was captivated by her. Perhaps it was her aura, her gaze, or fate. She had an effect on him he had never felt before. He became a regular patron, watching her every move with predatory intensity.   As Delilah continued her mundane existence, Alexander remained a lurking presence in the shadows, his obsession for her quickly growing stronger with each passing night.   Eventually, unable to resist his twisted desires, he made the fateful decision to embrace her, dragging her away with him into this world of darkness.   Alexander's actions, however, were not sanctioned by his clan Elder, which is a great crime in the Camarilla. Fearing the consequences of his unauthorized embrace, he abandoned Delilah shortly after siring her, leaving her with only enough knowledge to survive in the treacherous new world.   Ruthless, Alexander saw Delilah not as a progeny to cherish, but as a plaything to be used, and a pawn to be wielded in his quest for dominance. Their relationship is seeded with twisted manipulation and trauma.   Despite his youthful appearance, Alexander possesses cunning and ruthlessness beyond his years. He is a master of manipulation, weaving intricate webs of deceit to further his own ambitions.     Modern Nights   Alexander arrived at the city. He joined Prince Coal's Court, eager to prove himself. He embraced Delilah and abandoned her.     VTM Chronicle 2.0   Alexander has taken up the position of Scourge within Price Coal's Court.


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