
Clan: Lasombra   Sire: Lucien   Childer: Unknown   Generation: 9     Biography   Isidra was born in a small town in Italy to a Spanish mother and Italian father. She grew up in a traditional Italian household, but her mother's influence helped her develop a deep appreciation for Spanish culture and language. Isidra was a talented artist, and she spent most of her life pursuing her passion for painting and sculpting. She studied art in Rome and Venice before moving to Barcelona to establish herself as a professional artist.   She was always a free-spirited and adventurous person, always seeking new experiences and challenges. She was known for her charm, wit, and extreme beauty, which drew many suitors to her, but she was never interested in settling down. Instead, she preferred to travel and explore the world, gathering inspiration for her artwork along the way and enjoying life.   Isidra met Lucien during one of her trips to Paris, and he was immediately struck by her beauty and talent. He saw great potential in her and decided to embrace her into the world of the Kindred. Lucien quickly became a mentor to her, and she devoted herself to mastering the art of being a kindred under his guidance.   Isidra's relationship with Core began shortly after her sire took him in. They were immediately drawn to each other and soon became lovers. During their time together she was deeply devoted to Core, and she remained so even after their relationship ended.   As Lucien's favorite childer, Isidra enjoys a great deal of prestige and power within the vampire community. She is well-respected for her artistic talents and her intelligence, and she is often called upon to provide counsel and guidance to younger Kindred. Despite her many accomplishments, she remains humble and down-to-earth, always striving to improve herself and her artwork.   Isidra was Core's first kindred lover. Isidra is ambitious and driven, always striving to be the best in everything she does. She has a talent for politics and often acted as a liaison between the Camarilla and other supernatural factions as well as on behalf of her sire for interactions with other kindred.   She still harbors strong feelings for Core depite him leaving her and the Camarilla.     Appearance   Isidra has a lithe and athletic build, with toned muscles and graceful movements. She is extremely attractive by almost all standards. Her body is slender but not fragile, with a dancer's poise and flexibility. She stands at around 5'9" and her movements are almost effortless, as if she were gliding through the air. Her skin is smooth with high cheekbones, sharp jawline, and full lips. Isidra's eyes are a piercing greyish blue, with an intensity that can be unnerving to some. Her hair is long, dark, and wavy, often laying loose around her shoulders and back. She was in her early-mid 20's when her sire embraced her, preserving her aesthetic beauty forever. Overall, Isidra's appearance is both striking and alluring, with an air of joyful confidence and strength.  
  Haven   Isidra's haven is located in a penthouse suite on the top floor of a high-rise building in the Center Island. The interior is luxurious and elegantly decorated with modern furniture, artwork, and antique pieces. The main living space has large floor-to-ceiling windows that offer a stunning view of the city skyline. The walls are painted in deep, rich colors, and the lighting is dim and moody, giving the space a mysterious and seductive ambiance.   Isidra's bedroom is spacious and decadent, with a large four-poster bed, plush velvet curtains, and silk sheets. The room is filled with candles and soft music, adding to the romantic and intimate atmosphere. A small library is located in a separate room, which contains books on art, history, and philosophy.   The haven is also equipped with state-of-the-art security measures, including surveillance cameras, reinforced doors, and an alarm system. Isidra takes her safety very seriously and ensures that her haven is well-protected at all times.     Staff & Allies   Isidra maintains a small group of ghouls who act as her security staff, keeping her haven and person safe from any potential threats. Her ghouls are well-trained and fiercely loyal to her, as she has taken great care in selecting and nurturing each of them. In addition to her ghouls, Isidra also maintains a network of mortal contacts and informants throughout the city, allowing her to keep tabs on any potential threats or opportunities.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Isidra has become a valuable asset to her sire Lucien, serving as a diplomat and ambassador to other Kindred in the city. She uses her charm, wit, and extensive knowledge of Kindred politics to maintain and strengthen her sire's alliances and interests. She is often sent to Elysium or off to visit to other kine's domains, mingling with influential kindred and keeping a keen eye on the politics of the city. Sometimes her duties require her to travel outside of the city, and she is known to have many contacts and connections throughout the Camarilla.   VTM Chronicle 1.0   Unbeknownst to her sire or the court, Isidra helped Nyx, Mercutio, Everlast, and Core to escape from her sire's tower when they went to investigate. She covered for them, misdirecting her fellow camarilla members to another part of the building while they got out.   Later on Isidra also assisted Nyx and Mercutio after their meeting with Catalina Ramos on a rooftop bar went badly, grabbing them and shadow jumping them to safety.


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