Tyrique Williamson

Clan: Ventrue   Sire: Baron Hef   Childer: Unknown   Generation: 10     Biography   Tyrique Williamson was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts. He grew up in a lower-income family, but his intelligence and drive allowed him to excel academically. Tyrique earned a scholarship to Harvard University, where he studied law and became a brilliant attorney.   After graduation, Tyrique worked at a prestigious law firm in Boston, where he quickly made a name for himself as an up-and-coming lawyer. However, he soon caught the attention of Baron "Old" Hef, who was looking for a talented and ambitious individual to embrace into his clan.   Hef was impressed by Tyrique's intelligence and boldness, and he saw the potential for him to become a valuable asset in his business ventures. Hef approached Tyrique and offered him the opportunity to become a kindred, promising him power, wealth, and immortality.   At first, Tyrique was hesitant to accept Hef's offer, but he was eventually persuaded by the lure of immortality and the chance to rise to the top of the social ladder. Hef embraced Tyrique into Clan Ventrue, and he quickly began using his legal expertise to help Hef in his business dealings.   Under Hef's guidance, Tyrique became a successful attorney and a feared enforcer of Hef's will. He is known for his cunning mind and his ability to manipulate others to his advantage, often using his legal skills to outmaneuver his opponents.     Appearance   Tyrique Williamson is a polished man in every sense of the word. His haircut and outfits are perfectly tailored. He is crisp, clean, and fit. He prefers wering custom tailored suits and driving nice cars. He stands around 6' tall and is handsome with high cheekbones.     Modern Nights   Today, Tyrique continues to use his legal acumen and knowledge. Now though, he works for Baron Eric after Everlast Lacroix negotiated his freedom. In order to pay back his debt to Everlast, he has agreed to set a meeting up between a forensic accountant he knows and Cynthia Lynd in order to help her with her company.


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