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Aşkentilar is a continent in Vylderaine that divides the Provenance Ocean and the Cerulean Ocean and lies to the north of Thast Mondavrik. This arid and dry continent contains vast deserts, labyrinthian canyons, and soaring plateaus. At the northern end of the continent lies the nation of Ramilsahar, home to the once prestigious desert elves who discovered arcane magic but were destroyed during The Unwritten Age by the djinni of Aljini-Eajib - The Wondrous City of the Djinn for their hubris. South of the ruins of Ramilsahar, lies the Tharwazan Desert , home to Aljini-Eajib - The Wondrous City of the Djinn and the Roving Cities of Tharwaza. The southern most area of the continent, known as Janujibal, becomes more mountainous, and the communities more isolated as the border to Thast Mandavrik draws near.
  Aşkentilarian culture (unless specifically made up for this setting) is inspired by real life Arabic nations and cultures. For purposes of character and world building, anything that originates from Aşkentilar can be named or inspired by these same nations and fit the setting.


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