
First Age God of Warmth, Travel and Merriment

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”  
― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Solonn was the Material God of warmth, merriment, adventure and bravery during the First Age on Materia. He was the second native-born Materian to ascend to demigodhood, about a decade after his long-time enemy and possible adoptive mother, the Night Goddess Asphodel.

The two initial ascendants are mythologically thought to be the progeny of the Overbeings Aios and Umbraas, alongside the Insurgent Gods and sometimes even the Lichlords. Solonn is strongly associated with his alleged mother (birth mother, not adoptive), Aios, in particular.

Though cults of Solonn remain, awaiting the hero's return, he's widely believed to be dead after dueling the Lady of the Mountain and, heartbroken from her rejection, choosing to expire of his resulting wounds.

The Warmth God is thought to have been Neutral Good in alignment. His Relic Weapon is known to be the longspear Rhongomiant. His Domains are not known, though they likely revolved around light, heroism, adventuring and athleticism.  

Appearance & Heraldry

  See also: Solonn Image Gallery (External)

Strong, lithe and delicate-featured, Solonn was widely considered the peak of humanoid beauty. He is often depicted as a copper-skinned, light-haired Ula'thau'la, though is other times drawn as a more standard Meranthic elf-human. Portrayals within his church usually frame his head with a halo of light. Solonn is often portrayed with his Relic longspear, Rhongomiant.

Solonite Heraldry includes stylized suns, the relic spear Rhongomiant, a slain bull with a spear in its side, falcons, meadowlarks, Solonn in combat with the dragon Vivasvaat, Solonn kneeling in the face of death, and various borrowed Aiosian imagery.  


Very little verifiable information remains of Solonn, though he was an immensely popular protagonist in dozens of surviving First Age storybooks. In these texts, Solonn is widely described as a beautiful, carefree and athletic god, said to be unbeatable in battle with his Aios-blessed longspear, Rhongomiant. He would wander the countryside of archaic Materia to and fro, bringing warmth and merriment when he went, rescuing towns from bandits or marauding beasts of Nod. In one popular story, usually told in two arcs, he liberates a region ravaged by a giant, flaming bull, then tracks down and confronts the horror's owner, the mad sorcerer Manny Daanelon. In another, he overcomes the grueling tests of the great dragon wizard Vivasvaat; in some versions he kills the creature thereafter, in others Vivasvaat becomes a recurring arch-villain.

Piecing together some consistencies, most scholars believe Solonn was the second Material native to ascend to local demigodhood, shortly after Asphodel in approximately the Early 6th Century I.M.. He was likely Alanthian. His race is difficult to determine but was most likely Ula'thau'la. By the time of his death, he had a small but healthy church—generally sects of the Aiosian one—which would wax and wane in the following centuries. His followers are usually called Solonites.  

The Lady of the Mountain

See the full article: Solonn and the Mountain Lady

"Solonite Prose" remains extremely popular in Materia's Modern Age. Perhaps the most famous of these stories is of Solonn's demise, which begins with his ill-fated romance with the "Lady of the Mountain", Ninurišalga.


Ascendant (Middle First Age), now Deceased   Alignment
Unknown, likely NG or CG   Domains
Unknown   Favoured Weapon
Longspear   Relic Weapon
Profile art: Though his birth race is unknown, Solonn is often portrayed as a copper-skinned Kelpeater in Alanthian garb.
Illust. Kazuma Kaneko
Banner: Solonn courts with the Lady of the Mountain.
  An alternate depiction of Solonn.

Character Portrait image: by Kazuma Kaneko


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