
Also known as Extus or Quick Entropus, Kos is one of two—for lack of a better term—"forces" that exist outside the Known Universe, the other being Pandæmonium. While Pandæmonium can be thought of as a sort of cold, stagnant nothingness surrounding the sphere of Reality, it manifests irregularly as a jittering chaos that can breach the boundary between Reality and Unreality. When it does it becomes known as Kos. Its behaviours are utterly unlike any known natural force or magic school. The timing and location of the phenomenon are too irregular to allow thorough study, and attempts to capture it by scholars of the Daybreak Empire have thus far met with failure.

There are whispered rumours on the edges of Empire space that Kos sometimes manifests as unspeakable beings with utterly exotic anatomies and what can vaguely be described as sentience. They are tentatively known as Extites, though they are mostly dismissed as horror stories. One group of these creatures may be the True Dragons, as they appear to have the innate ability to warp reality about themselves.
  True Dragons are thought to be manifestations of Kos.


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